WickedFire Toobar.

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New member
Dec 10, 2006
Hi fellow WF'ers.

Had a bit of time on my hands so i decided to do a toolbar for WF members.

This comes directly from conduit.com, so there's no spyware or shit like that. I've done this toolbar for my own forums (i've hidden mine so it shows better in the screencap) ,if you like it, use it, if not just remove it.

It just helps you get to the forums better with less clicks (and less typing).

No outgoing links to any of my own sites, this is purely for WF. Once Jon has the other sections up, we can add those links too (and toolbar is good since it auto-updates by itself.



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What did you set up for the revenue sharing feature of this conduit toolbar?
I think it's great that you're trying to add something beneficial, but as it has a trademarked logo on it, it might have been a good idea to run it by Jon first.

Very cool idea, though. I've never heard of this service, so I went and made one for my forum. The kids'll love it.
You are just giving them money and may be it even has spyware.

I have a toolbar authoring program if Jon wants an official WF toolbar. For now I recommend you remove the logo from that one.
Again...I don't make anything out of it at all. You can go check out Conduit.com - Free community toolbar Builder in a Few Easy Steps and do it for your own sites / communities if you wanted to.

With an Alexa of 2,400k, they're doing pretty good.

More stuff about them - Press

I personally like how they auto-update without the user needing to download/reinstall. Going to pass the account to jon and team to mess around with. But since they're so busy..thought i would take a bit of initiative. ;)

Jon if you want to crash this, let me know. I'll take it off.
I was wondering why would they offer this for free, whats the catch. Seems they make money by
Conduit gets paid by claiming a cut in the advertising that runs beside search results in toolbar’s search box — which is powered by Ask.
I was actually going to have a toolbar made but not through conduit, only because if something is made here, I want it to be custom and unique. As for the logo, thanks everyone for looking out on it. I speak to Ryan on an almost regular basis and I know he's VERY interested in helping with WF so I doubt he's doing this to bank off it or do anything malicious.

Intranet, it's something called WF being a registered trademark in the US, so technically if someone uses the logo without written permission from us and our parent company then we can sue them for it. But I won't even threaten that in most cases because anyone who has ever wanted to use it has always asked first, even for very minor things.

I'd rather we not have a toolbar through conduit, but I'm not opposed to having a custom one built, just so long as it can merge with the Google toolbar, or have similar functions because that's what I use.

If you guys have ideas for it, post it here, or Ryan can be in charge of it, since he seems pretty passionate about helping WF.

Thanks for the support and i know it's not easy for you to juggle stuff on the forums.

Actually, you're quite right about the additional functions which would be good for the WF users, especially for webmasters (Alexa, PR, Custom plugins etc to be available in the upcoming resource). Unless we have some elite BHO / Toolbar development folks in here, it might be difficult.

I have my own team based in India who do programming and testing, but an application which makes toolbars based on compliant XPI's (which can be included in Firefox extensions) will need to be developed properly.

Update: just did a search and found another toolbar generator here. Dynamic Toolbar 5 - Internet Explorer Toolbar Builder Software

Anyway, we'll start a thread to see what users really want here in WF.

I was actually going to have a toolbar made but not through conduit, only because if something is made here, I want it to be custom and unique. As for the logo, thanks everyone for looking out on it. I speak to Ryan on an almost regular basis and I know he's VERY interested in helping with WF so I doubt he's doing this to bank off it or do anything malicious.

Intranet, it's something called WF being a registered trademark in the US, so technically if someone uses the logo without written permission from us and our parent company then we can sue them for it. But I won't even threaten that in most cases because anyone who has ever wanted to use it has always asked first, even for very minor things.

I'd rather we not have a toolbar through conduit, but I'm not opposed to having a custom one built, just so long as it can merge with the Google toolbar, or have similar functions because that's what I use.

If you guys have ideas for it, post it here, or Ryan can be in charge of it, since he seems pretty passionate about helping WF.
I have worked on a firefox toolbar www.mystickies.com but IE toolbars are another beast that I dont want to get into "from scratch" that being said.. there are a few companies I have looked at that provide an interface similar to firefox with JS and xml development enviroments but they all have a revenue model with yahoo search include or something similar..
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