Wickedfire Rap Song

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New member
Feb 1, 2008
I was thinking yesterday that Wickedfire needs some type of rap song. I think it's pretty obvious that gangster rap and affiliate marketing go hand in hand. With all the members here, I'm sure we can all come up with something great and maybe have DMX perform it once he's out of jail and cleared of all charges. I'm hoping that this can become the official thread of the Wickedfire Rap. I think people should post some lines they come up with and then maybe we can put it all together at some point in the future. Here, I'll start off with some lines:

I'm spitting that fire, on the forums of Wickedfire
Somedays I got pay per click down
Other days I feel like I'm spinning my tires
It's like I can't convert shit, and then suddenly I'm in the zone
Been in the game so long, I used to bid on keywords with stones
Members throwing around the F bomb like a street hoar with rashes
If noobs ask dumb shit, they get flamed to ashes

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