Wickedfire: Our New Years Resolutions


New member
Jan 7, 2007
(This is a long post, but it's worth it. I know I don't need to put this
parenthetical here to convince many of you to read it, but the post is aimed
at those who would not read it otherwise.)

I love this place. I really do. I owe so much to Wickedfire. I've been a
member of this community since I was 15 years old. Because of that, the
community holds a sort of maternal role in my life. Within the business
world, Wickedfire is very much my mother.

I've been exposed to wonderful opportunities as a member of Wickedfire. Our
thriving marketplace provides a safe environment for taking risks and
learning valuable business lessons. Our membership boasts a strong
contingent of very knowledgeable people who love to teach those who are
willing to listen and learn. These two qualities of Wickedfire make it the
undeniably best place to learn the intricacies of the business world, especially
that of the Internet.

But I worry for Wickedfire.

We have always recruited our new members with the appeal of a "no
bullshit" community. There really is no fucking bullshit here. That's because
our forum members who are hungriest to teach the community have no
patience for some idiot pontificating about his obviously flawed strategy for
success. This "no bullshit" attitude inevitably leads to a parallel "tough love"
attitude from the more experienced community members toward the less
experienced ones. We express this tough love through cocky banter, much in
the same way that two male friends converse by endlessly ribbing on each
other. I am a firm believer in this kind of tough love and the no bullshit
attitude that precedes it. It produces confidence, ambition, and a desire to
prove oneself. These are extremely positive traits that society views in a
glowing light.

But we are taking it too far.

The cocky banter and constant pressure to succeed remains present. On the
surface, the tough love that made Wickedfire such a wonderful community
seems strong. But if you take a second look, you realize that the genuinely
positive desire to teach each other is gone. It has disappeared. There is no
longer any substance to our attitude of tough love. Because of that, there is
nobody to instill proper values in our younger members.

Without the proper values behind tough love, it becomes nothing -- the love
is gone and now it's just tough. The disappearance of love becomes most
evident in STS, where you can clearly see that the content of our banter has
devolved into hate. Faggot this, nigger that. We have an entire forum
devoted to porn. There is a reason that society generally frowns on this sort
of behavior. Although it is refreshing to maintain a cavalier attitude of not
giving a fuck, you cannot have that attitude without producing or contributing

In the eyes of most people, Wickedfire lives in the crevices of the Internet. In
many ways they see internet marketers as modern-day rats infesting the
dregs of our most valued channel of communication. This is NOT a good
perception and if we ignore it, our community will soon fall apart.

Obviously, I disagree with that perception of internet marketers. Most of it
stems from misunderstandings. But as more and more people come to
understand the Internet and how it works, we need to prepare for major
exposure. Our profession is going to be put in the spotlight, and consequently
under the microscope. When the curtain is opened, do you want your friends
to see you as Hamlet, or as the incapable drunkard who can't even be trusted
to deliver a line?

This is fucking gay. This isn't your fucking livejournal, phaggot OP.

Holy shit this is the gayest shit I ever skimmed.Somebody get OP a livejournal
What'chu talkin about? Just look on the first page of STS...

We're congratulating Chicago, bashing EWA (again), giving decorating tips, talking about who we were in past lives, and bitching about the Chinese working too hard and taking all our monies.

All is well!
<-- OP





We should just change 'Shooting the Shit' to 'Troll Playground' to avoid any further confusion. You want value, visit other sections. Enlightened members isn't a bad place to start.
We should just change 'Shooting the Shit' to 'Troll Playground' to avoid any further confusion. You want value, visit other sections. Enlightened members isn't a bad place to start.

That itself is the problem.

It used to be that if you looked at the number people viewing each subforum, the number of people viewing Shooting the Shit, Affiliate Marketing, and Traffic & Content subsections were all about equal.

Now the number of people viewing STS is greater than the total number of people viewing those "informative" subsections combined times 4.
There are quite a few of us starting super knowledgeable threads just giving out free information. There are quite a few of us running case studies to help teach the knuckleheads. There are quite a few of us who pop in the newbie section to answer questions seriously and help guide.

I don't see you doing any of that. I think you should contribute before you complain.
There are quite a few of us starting super knowledgeable threads just giving out free information. There are quite a few of us running case studies to help teach the knuckleheads. There are quite a few of us who pop in the newbie section to answer questions seriously and help guide.

I don't see you doing any of that. I think you should contribute before you complain.

I love this place. I really do. I owe so much to Wickedfire...

I agree with OP, entirely. But in order for anything to change it starts from the bottom up. Newbie Section and Education Section in my opinion. But in order to have any revolution you need a leader/matyr that's willing to continue talking on their soapbox despite public scrutiny and bashing, someone who really loves this place for the knowledge it brought and is willing to do it for free in exchange for nothing. It's hard to find that person that's willing to do it alone, so a group of individuals would make it easier by setting an example.

But here is the problem. Recently in the last several years people have gotten lazy. All they want to do is waste time depending on Google for their traffic and call it a day. With the influx of newbies in the last several years coming from Digital Point, WaFo, BHW, and all the peasant corners of the internet, all you see are now SEO problems, SEO advice, this whole forum has become one big ass SEO forum, instead of internet marketing.

Look at the email section, affiliate section, and development/design sections that have almost completely dried up.

God-forbid there is a Google Update, then all the SEO peasants come online to talk shit, and make thread after thread after thread about their peasant site getting hit. Somehow I even find myself now talking about primarily SEO when I come here, when SEO is really the lazy way of internet marketing. I mean, you concentrate on 1 source of traffic for 99% of the year, how the fuck does that even make sense? Why don't you just get a day job and concentrate on getting 1 source of income (paycheck) a year... oh wait, most of these new peasants do. You see the problem. That's why most of the best people have left or stopped posting their great insights. They keep it amongst themselves and their skype groups/chats. Why release that golden knowledge to SEO peasants who keep on the SEO blinders and don't make any effort to rise.

I mean, fucking really, how can adding a newsletter signup form be news to fucking people? That makes no fucking sense, unless you just jumped into the game and heard WF was the place to be.

I mean fuck, if we are seriously having debates about whether to make onpage content for visitors or search engines, that should be a huge warning to ANYONE with common sense that there are nothing but SEO peasant noobs here at an overwhelming rate. Want proof? Ask ANYONE, ANYONE out on the street, that's never heard of the word SEO, whether websites should be made for humans or robots. You know what they are going to say, besides look at you like you are a fucking moron for even considering creating a website for robots... They'll alway 100% of the time say Humans. So even a 5 year old with common sense, has more sense then these SEO peasants.

Now, I'm not saying Black Hat SEO doesn't have it's place, but what you do with Black Hat techniques, should help you get quick money so eventually you can create a brand or something that will stand the test of time, since SEO is like musical chairs at this point. You're holding that spot until someone knocks you out of that chair next round. Black Hat SEO shouldn't be considered a retirement plan, but it can get you a lot of money, quickly, and keep you comfortable. Actually, SEO, itself shouldn't be considered a retirement plan as well.

So gathering all that in this environment, when anyone does find something worthwhile, why would they share it with the rest of these SEO peasants? The smart ones don't, and they keep it for themselves and their close allies within these walls. With all the posts and stuff I've done in the last 6 months, I can safely say, I've learned more than I've given cause of lurkers and people not willing to share their ideas publicly, but want to still connect.

To sum it up, it starts with you the individual reading this thread to give back to the community, and then, the community will give back 10x, usually 90% of the time not directly on this forum, but by the connections you start making. And you'll be surprised to how many lurkers that rather PM you back and forth with great chats and conversations regarding techniques that'll never see the light of day.