WickedFire member featured in the New York Post


New member
Jul 14, 2007
Porn addict tried to legally marry his computer | New York Post

Chris Sevier, who is suing Apple for ruining his marriage, argued that if gay marriage is allowed in California then so should other forms of marriage.
Sevier, from Florida, said that he has fallen in love with his pornography-laden MacBook.
“Over time, I began preferring sex with my computer over sex with real women,” he told a court in Florida, Fox 13 reported.


He has precedent. Men have been, and continue to buy their wives for centuries.
My computer is still just my girlfriend, but I'm thinking about getting a new one.

LOL, I love you guys! :) That "confirmed it's me ccarter" had me dying LOL IRL, almost crashed my car when I read that one...

Anyways for the haters:

He's an idiot, but he won't seem as crazy 100 years from now when people start wanting to marry the robots we create that perfectly simulate human cognition and are visually and biologically identical for the most part. Organic computing and bioware isn't too far off. This will be the next big issue after racism, homophobia, transexual issues, and finally getting to the core of the human condition: what does it mean to be human? Or at least imitate it well enough that nobody would know the difference without a scarlet letter.