wickedfire is slowly turning into DP

Ok, so the solution is for everybody to raise their rates higher than your already high rates for the betterment of Wicked Fire?
That pisses me off as a designer because I can't compete with $18 a logo? Are you kidding me? To me, each design job is a labor of love and should be unique. Once you start churning logos as if you were some kind of factory, then they start losing their uniqueness. Whatever, I'm not going to undersell myself either. [/rant]
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You can't ban people just cause they don't charge high prices. If their quality is bad, they'll lose customers. If their quality is good and their prices are low, uhhh...you're probably out of luck.
Do you think the quality of service provided at cheap price are better? I am not telling anyone to increase their prices but at least they should charge a decent price for their services.

Youve been here for almost a year and haven't built up enough reputation to carry your business without competing with others? Sorry but don't blame the fact that you're terribad on the market.
You can't ban people just cause they don't charge high prices. If their quality is bad, they'll lose customers. If their quality is good and their prices are low, uhhh...you're probably out of luck.

Supply and demand, ladies and gentlemen, supply and demand. The intriguing world of microeconomics.

Back on track, WickedFire is absolutely nothing like Digital Point. If you are concerned about your prices being beaten and losing customers, just come out and say so. No need to criticize an entire forum because of your one unrelated problem. Solve it yourself.
I thought this was going to be about all of the dumb ass threads people have been starting. You're upset because competition charges lower prices... smart people will go to who has the best quality of work.
That pisses me off as a designer because I can't compete with $18 a logo? Are you kidding me? To me, each design job is a labor of love and should be unique. Once you start churning logos as if you were some kind of factory, then they start losing their uniqueness. Whatever, I'm not going to undersell myself either. [/rant]

^ this

OP said:

ahahha, sorry, what did you say you think??? you lost me there ^
Do you think the quality of service provided at cheap price are better? I am not telling anyone to increase their prices but at least they should charge a decent price for their services.

I used to highly recommend you as a designer, but then I noticed you kept using the same design structures over and over, and even using shit like the same menu you used on my site - on other people's sites.

If the cheaper price meant being unique, I'd gladly use them.

What I dislike:

  • People who use the same damn design style for every LP or Website
  • People who raise prices like crazy and then use the same damn LP design or Website
  • People who use the same damn design style for every LP or Website that I just paid for - as a paid Template for others.

If your competition sees this reply, I would suggest that they send me their portfolio through PM. I'm pretty tired of paying money to people who recycle their "custom designs" over and over.