WickedFire & Clickbooth ad:tech NY 2010 party


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
We agreed to co-sponsor with our ex-arch nemesis over at Clickbooth. Water under the bridge, ya know?
So we both figured that instead of duking it out on the forums, we'd come together, and booze it up together at a most joyous event, even better than a bar-mitzvah, but by having a party at ad:tech NY.

Date: Wed November 3rd 2010
Time: 9pm-midnight
Location: Marquee (On 10th Ave between 26th & 27th -- no need to tell the cabbie its on the west side, because then you'll just sound like a fuckin tourist, and no one likes those!)

Perks: Open premium bar (please drink as much as possible, otherwise you're a pussy!) + 100 super hot chicks (like real ones, not the ones who pretend to be girls and are really guys).

How to get onto the VIP list???

Step 1: Don't dress like a tool. Try to refrain from sneakers and tshirts, srsly, you're not 17 anymore, and if you are (Sohan!!! lulz jk), at least fake it better, ya dig?

Step 2: Show your WickedFire pride. I'll leave it up to you. (I'm probably going to regret that later)

Step 3: Go to the Clickbooth ad:tech NY booth to get your fuckin asses put onto the VIP list (it would be wise to say you're a WickedFire member), otherwise you'll have to wait on the line with the other non-speshal people in the cold, and cmon now, you're a WickedFire member, so we already know you're some kinda SPESHAL space cadet as it is!!

Extra Credit: You should ask for Stephanie Cz, she's good people, and try not to hit on her, because she'll be pissed at me if you do.

This has been a WickedFire Public Service Announcement... enjoy the show and parties you cretins!!

Oh yeah.. they made a video... and damn glad they didn't use the Twilight queers, because I think that in itself would have re-ignited the war!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtymnhyulkU]YouTube - Return of the Immortals[/ame]
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Is this only for the seniors? and males?

Yeah only for the males, if you show up being a girl, it'd make everyone really nervous; it wouldn't be pretty.. a bunch of obese dorks, shivering with fright at the thought they may have to talk to you, they'd also have to conceal their openly gay mannerisms towards each other and redirect the handjobs underneath tables instead of out in the open..

This is a gay webmaster forum, don't show up.
Haha. I've spent over a decade doing the NYC night-life and have kissed it good-bye. Just wanted to see what wise-ass remark I would get. This is one is great. Thanks.
lol clickbooth lol

Seriously, read the title and thought this was a joke.
Step 1: Don't dress like a tool. Try to refrain from sneakers and tshirts, srsly, you're not 17 anymore, and if you are (Sohan!!! lulz jk), at least fake it better, ya dig?

Haha he said ya dig?

Also read the title and wasn't sure if this was serious. Still don't.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Jon! Thanks for sponsoring this party with us! Looks like it's gonna be a killer event. Steph told me she's going to challenge you to several rounds of shots...if you're not a pussy that is! Muahahaha!:party-smiley-004:

Now I know the members on this forum like to talk smack and they're pretty hardcore about it. But I'm waiting to see if they can hold their own in person.

Just to let them know what I'm talking about:

1. They have to look fly (like a G6, might I add)...it's NYC PEOPLE!

2. Handle their liquor...we don't allow sloppy drunks...it's a PREMIUM bar! :repuke:

3. Don't be that creepy old guy

4. Don't be that creepy old chick

5. Know how to party...we accept nothing less

Thank you. [exit stage left] :D
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Jon! Thanks for sponsoring this party with us! Looks like it's gonna be a killer event.

Now I know the members on this forum like to talk smack and they're pretty hardcore about it. But I'm waiting to see if they can hold their own in person.

Just to let them know what I'm talking about:

1. They have to look fly (like a G6, might I add)...it's NYC PEOPLE!

2. Handle their liquor...we don't allow sloppy drunks...it's a PREMIUM bar!

3. Don't be that creepy old guy

4. Don't be that creepy old chick

5. Know how to party...we accept nothing less

Thank you. [exit stage left]


Errrr you don't have to provoke them.... Epic and Adknowledge are good people (except for the marketing chick at Adknowledge who believes I'm this rotten guy and banned me from being allowed to attend their party!! WTF?!) and who the hell says "look fly" anymore?! EL OH FUCKIN EL!!!

Cretins... you may now hit on her as much as you like, but if you can pull it off in an early 90's style and use "fly" like she did, I'll give you a dollar.