WickedFire At Work


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I have a job, and needless to say, WickedFire is not the most work-appropriate website. Before any of you start in with all that "lol u hav a jerb? lol", and "da only muny u shud make is on de intro nets", note that this post is for other WickedFire members who want to browse the forum at work.

The aptly named Suddenly_Ass is definitely one of my favorite members; the only thing I like more than seeing ass is seeing it suddenly. However, my boss would not like me to see ass; suddenly or otherwise.

This is a TamperMonkey (Chrome addon) script. That replaces all images with some pattern. Move your mouse over the image to show it. Here's the script. Incapsula is being a dick and not letting me post it directly in the thread.

If you make any changes, I encourage you to share them.

P.S. This script won't protect you from getting dick-rolled.
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major derping going on here.


That completely blocks images. The script lets you see an image when you hover your mouse over it.

It does not "completely block images", it just <a>'s them, clicky clicky
It does not "completely block images", it just <a>'s them, clicky clicky
But with hovering, you don't even need to click.
bigot: 1, u: 0

Hey OP - Your avatar is not very work friendly. Just saying....
They're just titties. Titties never hurt nobody.

I hate when this happens; you bring up a valid point with good intentions, and everyone posts dicks.
Putting Suddenly_Ass on ignore does not keep you from seeing Suddenly_Cock.