Why there are no international biz opps?

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Esteban Panzera

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Was wondering this.. why all biz opps are only for us, canada and uk. Wouldn't it be the best for them to make it international (and when I mean international I mean worldwide) and let users download the content (no shipping charges)?.


Because you open yourself up to a lot of overseas fraud, where local governments aren't willing/able to enforce their own laws. It also offers few potential, someone in China making $1/day in a sweatshop isn't going to blow it on your $100 ebook.
Because you open yourself up to a lot of overseas fraud, where local governments aren't willing/able to enforce their own laws. It also offers few potential, someone in China making $1/day in a sweatshop isn't going to blow it on your $100 ebook.

First: $100 ebook? err.. where have you been lately.. I am talking about rebills.

Second: Few potential? I know that if an offer like this existed I could easily bank thousands a day as there is no competition...

Third: overseas fraud takes place mainly in Asia and Africa, they still have Europe and America. Anyway they would only be losing what they paid to the affiliate as there is no cost in the product.
First: $100 ebook? err.. where have you been lately.. I am talking about rebills.

Second: Few potential? I know that if an offer like this existed I could easily bank thousands a day as there is no competition...

Third: overseas fraud takes place mainly in Asia and Africa, they still have Europe and America. Anyway they would only be losing what they paid to the affiliate as there is no cost in the product.

Rebills, ebooks, whatever, price is still an issue.

Your market isn't as large as you think it is. You basically need an native English speaker, with a disposable income, and stupid enough (just being honest) to purchase your product. You could probably promote to European countries besides the UK, Germany, Sweden etc but there are already opportunities in these areas.

You aren't losing money to fraud directly, but you will most certainly lose it in advertising. People will either buy your product with fake IDs, or just download it illegally. You might make a couple of bucks, but it won't be worth your time.
Rebills, ebooks, whatever, price is still an issue.

Your market isn't as large as you think it is. You basically need an native English speaker, with a disposable income, and stupid enough (just being honest) to purchase your product. You could probably promote to European countries besides the UK, Germany, Sweden etc but there are already opportunities in these areas.

You aren't losing money to fraud directly, but you will most certainly lose it in advertising. People will either buy your product with fake IDs, or just download it illegally. You might make a couple of bucks, but it won't be worth your time.
PRICE IS NOT AN ISSUE, If it sells for $0.95 + rebill it is not an issue!
Market not large? First, if it is done it would have to be to offered it in different languages, second there are 800 million internet users in the world (US+Canada=230 million aprox.)... still thinking market is not large?

Think and learn affiliate marketing before writing again DB....
There are plenty of biz opps that work in the English speaking countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom.
err... I hope that was a joke.
Can't you read? "international (and when I mean international I mean worldwide)"
PRICE IS NOT AN ISSUE, If it sells for $0.95 + rebill it is not an issue!
Market not large? First, if it is done it would have to be to offered it in different languages, second there are 800 million internet users in the world (US+Canada=230 million aprox.)... still thinking market is not large?

Think and learn affiliate marketing before writing again DB....

For you to rebill someone they actually have to have money for you to take. I agree with you, you can probably promote your offers in North America/Europe with quite a bit of success. Reach globally though, to Asia, Africa and South America and you will be wasting your time.

Sure plenty of people there have internet access, but that's not the only qualification. They need a disposable income which can be transfered into an online currency. They need to be uninformed of the rampant intellectual property piracy that will let them get your product for free. And finally they need to be willing to buy your product. Do some people fit these qualifications? Yes, but it's a small enough number you will be wasting your time.

Translating your product into different languages isn't cheap. You can't just slap that thing into google translator and call it good. You would need at least semi proffesional work in multiple languages and dialects.

But hey, it's your money not mine, go for it.
For you to rebill someone they actually have to have money for you to take. I agree with you, you can probably promote your offers in North America/Europe with quite a bit of success. Reach globally though, to Asia, Africa and South America and you will be wasting your time.

Sure plenty of people there have internet access, but that's not the only qualification. They need a disposable income which can be transfered into an online currency. They need to be uninformed of the rampant intellectual property piracy that will let them get your product for free. And finally they need to be willing to buy your product. Do some people fit these qualifications? Yes, but it's a small enough number you will be wasting your time.

Translating your product into different languages isn't cheap. You can't just slap that thing into google translator and call it good. You would need at least semi proffesional work in multiple languages and dialects.

But hey, it's your money not mine, go for it.

Stop answering when you clearly don't have a clue what you are saying DB.
I live in South America > Argentina and I can tell you that this would definitely work here and in most south american countries.
No disposable income? Who hasn't got $70 in their account.. if they don't they won't even have an account.
thing I wonder is why do none of the uk biz ops have a £ lander?

Its the only reason Im not running - pretty sure they would convert a lot better with local currency.
Esteban Panzera, nasty motherfucker!

Stop answering when you clearly don't have a clue what you are saying DB.
I live in South America > Argentina and I can tell you that this would definitely work here and in most south american countries.
No disposable income? Who hasn't got $70 in their account.. if they don't they won't even have an account.

if you already had your bullshit theories about the viability of that biz model and want to flame everyone who answers your question with real answers then why post it at all?

the dudes here are right. and if you think they're wrong, setup your own google ebook with your own $70 south american dollars and get rich. if not, gtfo.

p.s. as the 'added bonus' for your infomercials you could throw in an extra ebook about how to smuggle acai berries into the usa
I think the issue is more a matter of supporting the product in another language. not just the materials but the customer service, local laws, etc...

Maybe you should license the materials and become an advertiser in south america
then why post it at all?
Because maybe I was missing something.. I don't want to do this myself, ( don't need to..=) ). Just was wondering why no one is doing it as it is viable.
the dudes here are right. and if you think they're wrong, setup your own google ebook with your own $70 south american dollars and get rich. if not, gtfo.
lol, seems you don't understand how rebills work... please go back to DP

I think the issue is more a matter of supporting the product in another language. not just the materials but the customer service, local laws, etc...

True, exactly the kind of thing I was missing.. thanks
I think the issue is more a matter of supporting the product in another language. not just the materials but the customer service, local laws, etc...

Maybe you should license the materials and become an advertiser in south america
Exactly. Business opportunity for whoever is willing to take the initial risk and develop/support the product.
most people in south america do not have credit cards...

if they don't have credit cards you can't rebill them... phone/sms billing is about the only option for most of the 3rd world countries, but that's not recurring...
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