Why some $$$ KW's don't show up in google?


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2009
So I was messing around with the Keyword tool of Google and noticed that there are certain very high paying keywords (competition is already very high for these). The problem is when I copy paste that phrase into Google's search box, there are no PPC ads that show up on the RHS/above the fold??

For instance, "fabric stain removal" which has avg CPC of 7$ doesn't have any ads pop up when I type that in G's search? So does it mean that I shouldn'y concentrate on this KW since chances are even if I hit #4 or #5 there won't be any ads showing up on my site for "fabric stain removal" keyword?

What am I doing wrong?

As long as you don't out my elk semen niches we're cool. I think you don't see PPC for "fabric stain removal" because it's a very specific phrase, and unless they are using broad match, you won't see them. Plus that's a pretty obscure niche, no? To add to that, maybe there is a good reason you don't see ads, possibly because all you have to do is go to target or walmart to get what you're looking for, not online. I'm surprised Amazon doesn't pop up, they pay an absurd amount for PPC
Well, there are also many other such kw's that have 'good' ppc but no ads. So I want to know is google fooling us or am I doing something wrong? Why is competition high for these if there are no ads? And they were all broad matches when I typed it in google.

It's possible that people would head to Walmart to pick that up but then who is paying that high cpc to google?
What the fuck are you guys talking about? If you can't see it in your current browser (Chrome for example), open up a DIFFERENT Browser and do the same Google search. If you see it there, then Google is simply removing Ads from your current session. If you still don't see it, switch IPs with Proxies, clean out your cookies, and then re-do the search NOT logged into Google.


I think that's the purpose of negative keywords. If you add a negative keyword, your ads will not show when someone does a search that includes that negative keyword.

To get more clicks/impressions on the keywords that you want to target, make sure they're not added as negative keywords.

Have a charming day ! :)
Thanks for all the replies guys. Really means much to me.

@kbclickbank: I'm using the adwords tool to find KW's and don't have any negative settings inputted, so I don't think that's it.

@ccarter: Thanks buddy, your's made sense, but the thing is that the fabric stain removal was just a demo :p (not the actually keywords that I'm targeting) The real KW's are things that relate to lawyers - such as payday lawyers, home loan lawyers, watch lawyers and so on (in adwords they show up with CPC of 80+). The problem is that no ads show up in google for them (I tried in IE, FF, cleaned cache, cookies and even reinstalled chrome without logging into google)

So I want to know... are the 80+$ fake, as in are there really advertisers that offer those rates, or is it a G scam since I cant find any ads of them when I type in those KW's into G's search (I tried visiting around 10 SERP links that showed up and of those that looked MFA's, none had any ad relating to that lawyers KW that I'm targetting
@ccarter: Thanks buddy, your's made sense, but the thing is that the fabric stain removal was just a demo :p

The art of screenshot trolling falls deaf on some. ;) Look very very closely, skohh got it.​

(not the actually keywords that I'm targeting) The real KW's are things that relate to lawyers - such as payday lawyers, home loan lawyers, watch lawyers and so on (in adwords they show up with CPC of 80+). The problem is that no ads show up in google for them (I tried in IE, FF, cleaned cache, cookies and even reinstalled chrome without logging into google)

So I want to know... are the 80+$ fake, as in are there really advertisers that offer those rates, or is it a G scam since I cant find any ads of them when I type in those KW's into G's search (I tried visiting around 10 SERP links that showed up and of those that looked MFA's, none had any ad relating to that lawyers KW that I'm targetting

I can't call it, the $80 clicks can possibly be only served through their Adsense network? Or they simply are blocking IPs for people adwords accounts that logged in cause if you click it, you'll cost that advertiser serious money. Try using a proxy to switch IPs like I suggested and see if it comes up.

BTW, payday lawyers served ads for me (as well as home loans lawyers and watch lawyers):

The art of screenshot trolling falls deaf on some. ;) Look very very closely, skohh got it.​

I can't call it, the $80 clicks can possibly be only served through their Adsense network? Or they simply are blocking IPs for people adwords accounts that logged in cause if you click it, you'll cost that advertiser serious money. Try using a proxy to switch IPs like I suggested and see if it comes up.

BTW, payday lawyers served ads for me (as well as home loans lawyers and watch lawyers):


I tried that proxy thing you say man, and turns out that does give the ads (I bet G is against my IP). Thanks CC, you the man (I only hope that's your pic in your dp, makes it easier for me to imagine you!)

PS: How did you get my username in that screenshot of yours? reaky man, seriously!!)
Two tips if you're looking to find cpc for Adsense sites.

They used to have a contexual ads too which showed display cpcs, that's gone but looks like the Display planner does the same.

Then go to ezinearticles and do a search for your keyword, then see what ads pop up next to the articles (there's so many articles there you should be fine enough that are relevant to trigger ads). You might see a lot of AskJeeves crap in here, ideally you want all the blocks to be relevant.

Although ads in search give a good idea of what you expect you might as well go direct and look at what's going on with the actual channel you intend to monetize from. Most of those crazy $80 cpcs you see in the search tool will be greatly reduced when you check the display stats.