Why should we have IP laws at all?

Tommy Chong

Jan 18, 2012
To me it sounds crazy to keep fighting all this legislation that aims to protect intellectual property when we could solve the entire problem by fighting to eliminate intellectual property laws all together. I think all IP laws, especially patents, do more harm to society than good. If someone is able to manufacture and distribute something for less, or improve the quality of something, shouldn't they be able to without worrying about IP infringements (or getting permission from the IP holder) ?

I think digital products are only worth what they cost to reproduce and distribute, which is pretty much nothing.. If an artist isn't able to effectively protect the distribution of their own work (by not distributing it online), or monetize their work through the use of advertising, I don't think there should be any laws to protect it either.

Obviously this idea is going to be controversial as fuck here since a lot of members of this forum sell eBooks or software of some sort, but people here should also know better than most, the effectiveness of monetizing through ads. I've always seen people/traffic as the greatest asset. The more people interested in what you're offering, the greater the potential money to be earned, right?

I know people could argue- Why not get money from making each person pay for your stuff, then allow people to easily spread it for free, and also sue people that "infringe on your copyright" and make even more profit..

but don't you think having the laws that enable people to sue for copyright infringement are the real cause of freedom-eliminating legislation (like SOPA/PIPA) in the first place? Eliminating all forms of IP would eliminate all future SOPA/PIPA type legislation once and for all. I don't see why all of these major internet companies don't fight for this instead.

Tldr: disregard copyright/IP, acquire greater freedom for everyone.

Michael Smoores on copyright law:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVYhwKu7J5E]Michael Moore on copyright law - YouTube[/ame]

Inb4 banned
Inb4 hurr-durr
Inb4 Googlehammer
Inb4 mylazysundays
Inb4 makemoniesonline
Inb4 notsureifseous.jpg
Inb4 jackiechan mindfuck pic
Inb4 coolstorybro/ coolstarrybra
Inb4 holy shit! You only have 1 post, wtf??

Oh, and BOOBS!!!!!!!11



















Because there is intrinsic value in the actual invention and creation of things.

So if you spend 10 years perfecting an invention...someone else should be able to steal everything because they can do it at cheaper cost?

Perhaps they can do it cheaper because they didn't have to invent the fucking thing.
Because there is intrinsic value in the actual invention and creation of things.

So if you spend 10 years perfecting an invention...someone else should be able to steal everything because they can do it at cheaper cost?

Perhaps they can do it cheaper because they didn't have to invent the fucking thing.

I see what you're saying, but I sorta thought that was one of the main points of capitalism.. Kinda like how there can be a small store somewhere and then a corporation like Walmart can put them out of business because they can do it more efficiently, even though the only reason they can, is because they had more upfront money to purchase bigger inventories, and build huge warehouses..
I guess the solution to that would be to not invent something for a market that you can't afford to compete with.

wtf.... i came here for the b00bs. Those arent boobs by good man. And gingers aren't real, they have no soul (girl 2). Get better pix pls.

Where the fuck are the boobs? I see a bunch of naked chicks but no god damn boobs!















Because there is intrinsic value in the actual invention and creation of things.
No there isn't. Value is subjective. It's strictly a construct of the mind, and different from mind to mind.

So if you spend 10 years perfecting an invention...someone else should be able to steal everything because they can do it at cheaper cost?
Yes, that's called competition. What you're proposing is some labor theory of value monopoly.

Perhaps they can do it cheaper because they didn't have to invent the fucking thing.
Perhaps they are just better at it. Just because someone invents a drug, doesn't mean they are the right person to mass produce and market it.

Your position, which is ironically the mainstream opinion on IP, is based on economic fallacies the classical and austrian economic schools have refuted for over two centuries.
Hopefully you are talking about trademarks too. I want to contract with a chinese factory to start producing cheap iPads, Mac Book Pro's and umm....canon sure shots.
If someone could easily steal your idea like this, then the motivation to innovate and invent new things would be drastically reduced.

If this is true then I guess no one is ever motivated to come up with new and creative landers everytime one of them gets ripped off. Infact, I'm sure I speak for Guerilla's crew when I say that, certainly, they regret they're little DFB venture seeing as how everyone and their mother swiped it when they saw a really good thing going. I'm sure they've decided never to create anything again.

It doesn't squash innovation, if anything it motivates individuals to work harder, faster and better than before to give the people what they want, banking all the while. So yeah... everyone wins.
The patent, trademark and copyright system is only a couple hundred years old.

For thousands of years, humans have invented things without monopoly privileges.
OP, It isn't society's fault that you can't gain value from any software, such as a return on investment. I'm sure that many people here have profited from buying software.
If someone could easily steal your idea like this, then the motivation to innovate and invent new things would be drastically reduced.

I disagree. I think having the ability to freely improve upon anything would open up a world of new inventors/artists.

Hopefully you are talking about trademarks too. I want to contract with a chinese factory to start producing cheap iPads, Mac Book Pro's and umm....canon sure shots.

Trademarks should be an exception because they help to identify the company that manufactured the product, and aren't used as an actual product themselves.. I don't see the logic in having the government limit who can produce a physical product, or who can distribute digital content.

I just think that if people want to charge for their music/videos/ebooks/software they should be the ones responsible for protecting it and distributing it, not the government. Its fine with me if people want to charge for their stuff, but if they release it to the internet they should expect it be shared, and not be able sue people for doing it. There are plenty of ways to effectively sell software that requires communication with the internet in order to work. If these digital content owners can't figure out similar ways to require people to pay in order to use their stuff (or monetize it with ads), I think it should be their own fault if it gets distributed freely.
Fuck why even have any laws at all. Just let anyone do whatever the fuck they want to at any given time. You get killed? It's your own stupid fault for not wearing a bullet proof vest. You get raped? Should have been wearing your anti-rape chastity belt. Someone steal your shit? Shoulda boobey-trapped it like anyone SMART would do.
Fuck why even have any laws at all. Just let anyone do whatever the fuck they want to at any given time. You get killed? It's your own stupid fault for not wearing a bullet proof vest. You get raped? Should have been wearing your anti-rape chastity belt. Someone steal your shit? Shoulda boobey-trapped it like anyone SMART would do.

Im glad you're seeing this my way. I'm a big fan of the second amendment also!

No, but seriously. Of course there should be laws against violent crimes. Those laws help humanity whereas IP laws hurt it.

I do agree with your sarcasm in that people should be responsible for themselves and not expect the government to protect them though.