Why Sedo sucks a big fat DICK!

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Secret Lovers?
Nov 15, 2006
Well i woke up this morning to find out that Sedo Parking sucks fat dick, they told me they are not going to pay me. The exact email reads as this


An audit of your traffic showed that it was not converting to sales for our advertising partner\'s sponsors and per our agreement with them we could not accept it. A detailed examination of your traffic showed that it was not natural (type in or related to search engine placement or past development). Our parking program can only accept natural traffic. Self generated traffic, incentivized traffic or traffic from any paid sources such as link exchanges or promotional software is not accepted.

Because of this we have no choice but to close your account and withhold your parking revenue.

Daniel Klotz

HAHA these bitches only owed me $600 last month only and they close my account, Parked has no problem issuing checks over $10,000 and they ask no questions about traffic, Same with my other parking companies, they have no problem issuing large checks last month $12,000 with not even a complaint. Either way this is why i think Sedo sucks dick.

P.S. If people say you CANT do artbitrage with parking services, i dont agree, just dont use sedo or they're right!:rasta:

Read the TOS you agreed to when you signed up. It clearly states that you cannot do that. I'm sorry but this is your own fault.
I'm not looking for sympathy like i said it's only $600 bucks, but it's strange when no other company has issues with that, even though it is clearly stated in their TOS, Plus it just lets everyone else know not to use Sedo for this.
what other services do you use because I'm looking to jump ship from Sedo. I got a few domains I'm looking to send elsewhere
HEHE you dont see the amount they take, but it's profitable

Reefer420 and yes arbi =)

Shhhhhhh!! dont tell, lets just say these companies dont care, cause well lets face it, it's hard to tell someone not to do something when you make them money!
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