Why no uproar over CISPA


New member
May 14, 2007
After all the previous uproar of SOPA by some of the big websites, why are we not seeing the same over CISPA?

Because it infringes on the liberty of citizens primarily; not the pocketbook of big companies like wikipedia and google.
Because it doesn't matter. It's already being done, has been for years, and will continue regardless of the legality.
Because it infringes on the liberty of citizens primarily; not the pocketbook of big companies like wikipedia and google.

wikimedia foundation is a non-profit

the real reason is because people just can't be fucking bothered, and the bureaucrats know this so they spam legislation until it goes through
Because real people are busy. They have fucking lives and jobs. They can't be expected to continually stay current on all the ways government and corps are trying to fuck us over. This is why these aggressors know they win in the long game every time.
Wilson had been waiting a long time for this interview, and now was his moment to shine. "You're not just qualified for this job" he said to himself as he gathered his courage, "You deserve it." He marched into Mr.Greensbow's office and the door was shut behind him. To his dismay, there sitting behind the desk was a gigantic 500 pound gorilla. Its body was covered in huge muscles all adorned with thick black fur. It stared at Wilson with a cold unforgiving stare. "Uh excuse me" he turned around to open the door, but it would not budge. He again faced the beast. "H-hi I'm Wilson. I'm here for th-the junior sales p-position..." he said as beads of sweat began to form around his face. The animal just gave him a mean grunt. He slowly approached the desk to lay down a copy of his resume. The gorilla was still as a statue as Wilson's hand inched forward, but just as the invisible line was crossed, the animal snapped. In an instant, the beast lifted Wilson up by the neck with one hand and slammed his skull onto the edge of the table with one loud thunderous crack. Blood and brain matter decorated the gorilla's face and fur as it let out a roar of victory and rage. Wilson's application was rejected.