Why Isnt This Getting Indexed


Elite Web Services
May 27, 2010
http://forhealthinsurance.net/ is a domain that I have been working for quite a while now. It has some great backlinks, some good submissions as well. I did the webmaster thing, added sitemaps, added robots to follow, everything. Wordpress is open too. Im just lost as to why this is not getting indexed. It being nearly a month now.

Your spider simulator seems to be perfect. Chill. This shit happens. I remember having a domain that didnt index for ages. No hard and fast rule here. If you are link building, continue. It should clear out with time.
Change your Robots.txt file to accomodate the following -

User-agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /cgi-bin
Disallow: /wp-admin
Disallow: /wp-includes
Disallow: /wp-content

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
Allow: /

User-agent: Adsbot-Google
Allow: /

User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Allow: /

User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile
Allow: /

#User-agent: ia_archiver-web.archive.org
#Disallow: /

Sitemap: http://www.forhealthinsurance.net/sitemap.xml

Get a sitemap plugin install it and have this submitted to Google.

Also, I notice you've initiated with Social Bookmarking - which I believe is not so good for new websites. Try and buy some directory submissions - an article writing + submission service as well - also then make use of Wicked_n00b's Do-Follow list and garner some Do-Follow backlinks and wait for a few days to see the change.
Go submit it to digg. It'll be indexed in 2 days tops. That's what I always do with new sites. But don't overdo it. One digg submission should be enough.
Trying to sell health insurance to US citizens and all your links are from Indian sites or bookmarks = not gonna happen.
I was facing a similar problem few days back but I got a way out. I can get it indexed for FREE. Yes, you got it right. For FREE...!! Just PM me if you are interested. I don't need anything in return. Well, atleast I will try to get them indexed and I'm pretty sure it will get indexed.

What I do is, using an Automated forum posting software, post it to some forums and the sites/web pages get's indexed eventually.
Agree with the Digg comment, no matter what I've always had my site indexed in well less than 24 hours once dugg. If you care about SEO I'd use some h1 as well.
lol. Nothing can help you. Coz Your domain gt 3 register with 2 drop. i think its banned from google many days ago for spamming. try to contact with google for unban your domain :) no other way .
lol. Nothing can help you. Coz Your domain gt 3 register with 2 drop. i think its banned from google many days ago for spamming. try to contact with google for unban your domain :) no other way .

lol. Nothing can help you. Coz Your domain gt 3 register with 2 drop. i think its banned from google many days ago for spamming. try to contact with google for unban your domain :) no other way .

sadly this seems like the most likely scenario