Why isn't my affiliate website getting low opt-in's? Critique my sales funnel


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
Hello everyone,

Well this is the first time I am running an affiliate mini-site with an objective to build a mailing list. However, I am getting dismal opt-in rates so far.

I am ranking for an informational how-to health related keyword let's say "how to get rid of acne"

I have an article written and at the end of the article, I offer them a "today only special" free 5 day mini-course on how to get rid of acne. When they click through, they are taken to the page that has my opt-in form with details of what they are going to learn in the mini-course outlined as bullets.

Currently, I am getting around 120 US visitors per day to my website from GOOGLE, average time spent is 10-15seconds, and email subscribers only 4-5/day.

My email follow-ups are good, I know I can make money off it.. The real trouble for me is getting people On my list.


1. Do you think placing the opt-in form on a page other than the homepage (where 90% of the traffic first arrives on my website) is a good idea in a case such as mine? or should I have the opt-in form on the homepage so that it gets maximum views.

2. I have a 600 word well written article on my website. Most visiotrs are spending barely 10s on the website and leaving.. Any tips to improve this?

3. Would a lightbox/pop over optin form produce better results than an inline one?? does it hurt SEO?

4. What would be a decent opt-in rate on a website such as mine?? I think that out of 120 visitors, I should be able to get at least 25 to sub subscribe.. is that too optimistic??

Suggestions would be highly appreciated..

lightbox/pop-up when people get out of the page would help and get you at least 2-10% more leads but give something more valuable than what you have in your squeeze page
For question #2, I suggest that.....,

-make the content good look in quality and not in quantity...!

-give as much possible information relevant to your Niche...!