Why Flash is on its way out as a website platform

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Fired as a Mod
Feb 6, 2007
Philadelphia, PA

I'm a full time web designer and I totally agree with you. I hate flash sites more than Wal-Mart and Kirsten Dunst.

Good article.
I didn't read it yet, but yeah I hate flash sites too. I don't mind banners, games, or accents, but entire flash sites just suck eggs.
If flash is on it's way out.. what's the replacement?

I kinda doubt flash is on it's way out.. especially since Flash Action Script is being used more and more often now, along with flash videos. I would agree though if you said flash intro's, then definitely, because those things are so pointless and annoying (watch, now we'll probably get one on the parent company site).
Flash is still going strong, but full flash websites are pretty much dead. The only good reason I see to keep them around is that they give a lot more freedom as far as motion graphics goes than any other format on the web, making it great for portfolios and the like.
Yeah in the article i mean just websites completely based in flash, i talk about how flash is now mainly just being used for streaming video and smaller elements of websites like that
I totally agree with flash websites sucking and going out. However, flash as a video, ad creative, and widget medium is increasing super quickly. I really like flash videos, creatives and all the cool flash widgets out there.

I'm actually trying to get some flash widgets made right now on rentacoder. If anyone knows any good flash programmers, or you are one, hit me up cause I have some things I need developed :)
Man, another year same story, they've been talking about flash dying for a long time. DHTML (not that most of you know what that is) was gonna replace flash, CSS was gonna replace flash, Java was gonna replace the internet and flash.....yada yada yada. They've been talking about flash dying out for years and years. Do your research and you'll see that it's one of the most downloaded plugins and now days more people have flash than Internet Explorer.

It's not going anywhere yet. Until there's something else that can do what flash does it'll keep it's foot in the door.
Smash, again im not talking about Flash completely dying, im talking about a major transition that is happening. Instead of Flash being the foundation of a website, AJAX and PHP are replacing it in many cases and Flash is becoming an element on the site, for example..streaming videos, animated banner ads, etc...

Man, another year same story, they've been talking about flash dying for a long time. DHTML (not that most of you know what that is) was gonna replace flash, CSS was gonna replace flash, Java was gonna replace the internet and flash.....yada yada yada. They've been talking about flash dying out for years and years. Do your research and you'll see that it's one of the most downloaded plugins and now days more people have flash than Internet Explorer.

It's not going anywhere yet. Until there's something else that can do what flash does it'll keep it's foot in the door.
I would say flash is getting bigger. AS 3.0 just came out which makes Flash and ActionScript so much faster at run-time and much more powerful in general, not to mention all of the new video integration and compression features CS3 is bringing (combined with Photoshop and AfterEffects). Also Flex is compiled as a .swf and is a top competitor of AJAX.

With computers and internet speeds getting faster everyday, I don't think flash will be going anywhere for a while.

What IS going away is the abuse of flash ( ie. websites unnecessarily made entirely in flash when XHTML/CSS could do the job) in favor of better user usability and a more exciting user experience.
I despise full flash websites. Check this baby out, 2Advanced v5 - Attractor what a nightmare to navigate. It does look "nice" though.

The issue with full flash websites is that there is no content, therefore nothing gets indexed and nothing shows up on the serps.

Flash is great for presentations and such and as far as I have heard it was never really inteded to be for full web design.

Oh and story dugg.
Flash isn't going anywhere. People were saying this 4 years ago, too.
I do agree, however, that flash is not the end-all solution to your interactive design niche.. rosem said it right. Abuse of flash is going away, but flash isn't going anywhere.. there's still tons of imaginative and innovative ways for it to be used. Your article seems to only look at websites from a very limited viewpoint.. not taking into account different types of sites. It might not be great for what we do, but flash has it's place in this world.
I despise full flash websites. Check this baby out, 2Advanced v5 - Attractor what a nightmare to navigate. It does look "nice" though.

I closed it straight away! Any site with sound pisses me off - I'm normally listening to music and don't want any fuckin sound effects interrupting my aural enjoyment!

Dugg - nice article. I'm not pretending to know much about this, but it's nice to hear a counterpoint to the general consensus that flash is the dogs bollocks.

(In case it's just an English thing - the dog's bollocks = fuckin good! lol)
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