Why doesn't the html tags work for wordpress?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
When using h1-h6 tags in the latest version of WP, why doesn't text-align:center work? It works perfectly for <p> tags

If you check firebug it show extra '\' being appended....

Anyone else face this problem

Its probably the editor you are using. Did you bother googling your issue? I would be there is a 2 page thread in the Wordpress support forums, right now, with the answers.
I haven't had that problem. I suggest take short break and try it again. Works for me when shit doesn't work.
inb4 OP explains he is trying to post to wordpress with some VB.NET code.
Its probably the editor you are using. Did you bother googling your issue? I would be there is a 2 page thread in the Wordpress support forums, right now, with the answers.

Googled it ALOT! No solutions (or no one else faces this problem). I'm using the standard WP editor and to get the center alignment, i simply highlight the word and click the center align button on the toolbar.. It works perfectly for <p> but not for h1-h6 tags? I tried to copy all the text to notepad to remove all formatting and then recopy it into the editor, but still nothing. The moment I choose align center or right, it still stays left (unless it is a <p> tag)

Check the CSS files of your theme
I doubt css is the issue because im not adding in code there. Simple element related direct code

I haven't had that problem. I suggest take short break and try it again. Works for me when shit doesn't work.

Yea, tried that and switched between chrome and FF too, nothing!

inb4 OP explains he is trying to post to wordpress with some VB.NET code.
No vb.net, just normal highlight and choose center align

For this kind of problem I usually find there's something wrong in the CSS sheets.
I doubt css is the issue because im not adding in code there. Simple element related direct code

inb4 OP gets banned for being a faggot.

clear you cache?

Yea and tried it on 2 diff comps too. Problem is still there
Switch to a non-shitty editor OR style it with CSS. PM me for my paypal address, I'm not cheap.
This is the HTML version of the WP tags <h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ff0000;">'The Mac'</span></h1>

but when i preview, this is what firebug shows: <h1 style="\";text-align:" center;\"><span style="color: #ff0000;">‘The Mac’</span></h1>

notice the additional quotes that get imported, why is this happening? I have tried it on chrome and FF with the standard editor of WP
I doubt css is the issue because im not adding in code there. Simple element related direct code

Surely you have no clue about what I said.
Every theme has its own CSS style sheets and most times these styles override the basic elements styling (H1 for example).
Sometimes themes developers need to use "!important" declaration after a property value and that style will stick over other ones or some problems can rise.
There are several plugins out there to disable wpautop

I'm not sure if it corrects the shitty practice of using inline styles though.
You're a dumbass dude. You are not editing the code in the html view, you are editing the code in the regular view.

Also, if you correct it in the html view, and it does not center align, that means your header tags is being aligned differently in your CSS file, so fix that then you are good to go. Noob. This belongs in the Newbie section.
You're a dumbass dude. You are not editing the code in the html view, you are editing the code in the regular view.

Also, if you correct it in the html view, and it does not center align, that means your header tags is being aligned differently in your CSS file, so fix that then you are good to go. Noob. This belongs in the Newbie section.
It is in the html view, not the regular view. I even manually changed the <h1> to <p> and it works correctly with the alignment, but if I change it to h2-h6, the alignment gets screwed up. Also while I was previewing the post, I used firebug to disable most of the h1 css stuff and while the colors, shadows etc got disabled, the h1 still remained to the left, it never center aligned?

I really have no clue as to why
Hmm. I know you disabled firebug but take out the mention of the CSS file in your , then view the post in preview mode, if you look at the source code and it is in the correct format <h1 style="text-align: center:"> and it still left aligns, try viewing it in a different browser.
*suppose to be a semi-colon not a colon in my last post. PM me your site, and i can solve the problem in 10 minutes for you. I apologize for calling you a dumbass, this might be a true anamoly... It could be a renegade javascript problem.