Why does my payment vary from Statistics?

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New member
Mar 15, 2009
This is a question in Neverblue's FAQ - "Why does my payment vary from Statistics?"

The answer given is:

There are various reasons why payment may differ from statistics. This is usually caused by updates to our system after our crawl has been run for the month. Our system crawls system data on the 1st of each month for the previous month traffic. Changes that could be made after the first of the month include but not limited to:

1. Adjustments on amount of leads generated on a given campaign. Either leads bonuses or removals
2.Payout changes
3.Bonus Revenue
Naturally I could care less if the amount paid was more than what is showing in my stats.

But how often do neverblue pay you LESS than what your stats say? I've never actually received a payment from them yet so don't know if this is something that often happens? I.e if you're seeing $500 in your account can you expect a check for $500 or are you going to get duped and receive a $300 check? :eek7:

Shaving/scrubbing is bad enough, but to know they can take earnings off you AFTER it shows in your stats is a concern.

I'd say I doubt it happens it's just to cover their ass incase they need to.... but if it's a frequently asked question, then lol.
Yeah, i was just wondering if its actually happened to anyone and if it regularly happens.
Neverblue FAQ's are designed to give guidance on a wide variety of situations that can occur. Do all topics under FAQ happen that frequently- NO, but it does give us an opportunity to answer some questions that have come up.

In regards to the payment varying from statistics, this happens when we bonus affiliates out for special promotions/ incentives or when there have been updates after the script has run (as mentioned on the 1st of each month). As you can imagine changes do occur after this time and we wanted to address the reasons why.

Perhaps FAQ should be called SAQ, "sometimes asked questions" lol.

If you have any further concerns feel free to message me anytime.
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