Why do you blog?


(M)ad Man
Oct 31, 2007
So I've been dabbling with the idea of starting a long term blog as one of my projects. I have a few questions about it from the folks who have one already.

Why did you launch it? (build a network of contacts? advertise your products? tracking your progress? etc..)

How much work do you put into it? (more work than it is worth?)

Do you recommend blogging to others in this industry, why or why not? (pros/cons)

I am blogging because it is the cheapest way to build up a site. I use it to promote products and CPA offers. Unfortunately I put too much work in it, so it is not profitable up to now. But this will change shortly cause I had to learn a lot.
I built a blog for me and my clients. It was originally for me to post all my work and keep myself sane. Meaning, I put all my finished work descriptions and latest version of projects on the blog because my hard drive was getting crazy messy. It turns out that it was a killer way to get leads in my niche (software development for Infusionsoft)

It was easy but only because I already knew how. It's about a 1 or 2 hour operation to setup a good wordpress blog and install all the extra plugins that make it really attract traffic.

For me, the leads are worth a lot because I sell them my software and it's a high dollar niche to begin with.

I'd highly recommend it, especially the idea of a long-term blog. If you set it up right, it will gain momentum by itself through comments, longevity in the engines, and growth through regular posts. You can't really beat that for an SEO strategy. This one good blog can be your platform to get quality feedback about any new project you want. It's also nice to just vent and write whats on your mind now and then.

Yeah, recommend it. This forum has some info on WP and the right plugins to pick too if you search it.
I just want to tell everybody how I lost 35 pounds of ugly belly fat in 6 weeks with the berries.

kidding, I am still too fat.

Blogs get indexed quickly, plus they can autoMagically produce RSS feeds and updated sitemaps. A blog is simply a content mangement system.

Why does anybody do anything?
I've been completely obsessed with golf for about 15 years. When I'm not working (or spending time with the wife) I'm down on the course. So, because of this, I started my golf blog [shameless plug coming..http://www.tourgolfblog.com] just so I had an outlet to talk about golf. I started it back on Blogger years ago and moved it to WP when it began to get popular. I get around 500 UV's per day, with a couple hundred subscribers.

It doesn't make me much money really. Few hundred a month when I do a product review or sell some advertising spots...but I get fucking bombarded with people wanting to send me golf products for reviews and for me to post about their new golf sites. I have gotten some good free schwag I must say. It's just more of a fun outlet for me than a money maker. I post 3-4 times a week. I don't like to just regurgitate golf news, so I keep it light and make fun of the sport when I can. It's just a stupid game after all. It finally got up to PR4 and has lots of links, so my posts get indexed quickly and have good rankings. I've been doing it for a few years and that's about all of my blogging credentials.