Why do some sites think I'm in Prague?

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
Really can't work this out, I'm not using a proxy yet sometimes some sites think I'm in the Czech Republic!

Usually it doesn't seem to cause any probs.. odd figures on stats and stuff... but sometimes it goes very wrong. Just deleted cookies and now Google has defaulted to google.cz.

Tracing my IP it seems to go through my ISP and resolve to another UK IP address, but I've just used one site which shows my IP, Prague and my ISP as host.

Is my ISP routing traffic through a proxy in Prague? Or buying blocks of Czech IP addresses for their UK customers? Is this normal? I was planning on changing anyway... this could give me a good way to get out of my contract!

EDIT: Just thought to check on my router (I'm tired!)... IP the same as showing online, so guess they are giving me a Czech IP...

It could the ip's belonged to a Czech company when the site's geolocation database was built. That or like you suggested that your isp is using Czech ip blocks or a proxy located over there.

I doubt it will give you leverage to get out of your contract. You might be able to get them to release you from your contract if your a royal pain in the ass.
They might offer me a static IP - but it would cheaper for them to let me leave without the £50 charge, but I'll contact them tomorrow and see what they say.
Maybe that porn site just doesn't have pictures with bitch showing "hello UK" sign...
Update: Phoned them, they admit they bought a block of Czech IPs but say that websites should update to show that they are now UK?

I'm not really up on how geo-targeting works, but I assumed it was comparing the IP to a database. If what they are saying is correct then ok, maybe Google would know, but would small sites? I doubt they have informed every site on the fuckin interweb. Or is targeting done in a more dynamic way?

EDIT: they are saying on their forum that the prob is with one database - IPLegence, which they think Google use...

Before this I would've recommended them, but now I suggest anyone in the UK stays away from namesco.
Well that shit happens because there is one IP per 4 internet users in USA, however, there are million IPs for one user in some third world country. I assume that those small countries are selling their IPs to developed countries.
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