Why do Ancient Egyptian artifacts have the Noses Broken off?


New member
Jul 3, 2012
1st Page, Google
I've recently been studying Ancient Egypt and have began visiting various museums.

I see the SAME exact thing at every museum and in most books, the statues have all been defaced. Around 90% of these ancient artifacts have broken noses & lips... e.g the Great Sphinx.

Scholars, such as Constantin Volney, have characterized the face of the Sphinx as Black, or "Negroid." Around 1785 Volney stated, "When I visited the sphinx...on seeing that head, typically Negro in all its features, I remembered...the Egyptians...are black with woolly hair".

I just don't understand, it's pretty much fact that the ancient Egyptians were Black Africans. So why try to hide it?

I mean, there is the common argument that the nose / mouth on these artifacts must have broken off, or corroded over many years... But, when I look at European artifacts from hundreds of years ago - most are still perfectly in tact.


Well greek statues are made from marble whereas eg. the sphinx was carved from limestone which means it's easier to damage, nose being protruded making it the easiest to break off.
You do know how the sphinx lost its nose, right?

The Arab historian al-Maqrīzī, writing in the 15th century, attributes the loss of the nose to iconoclasm by Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr, a Sufi Muslim from the khanqah of Sa'id al-Su'ada. In AD 1378, upon finding the local peasants making offerings to the Sphinx in the hope of increasing their harvest, Sa'im al-Dahr was so outraged that he destroyed the nose, and was hanged for vandalism.[32]
To put in perspective how old the Egyptian Pyramids are - They oldest pyramid was constructed in 2630 BC.

Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Egypt was born in 69 BC. She is closer in history to the USA's Moon landing (1959) than the building of the Pyramids. Considering the length of time, it's truly difficult to say exactly what happened in history for the build up and erosion, since so much of it is lost in the sands of time...

I doubt if there was "defacement" it was race related. Some stories have it that Napoleon ordered a cannonball to be fired on it. There are also other variants of the stories. If it was broken off by humans, it was more so for conquest versus "race" hate. (Great Sphinx of Giza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Also, the pyramids unlike most "statues" are more exposed to the harsh earth elements due to their massive size - snow, wind, water, sand storms, etc. Also, what JoseArmando said.

Could be a mix of human and nature... who knows...

Edit: I too read the story emp posted - I think that's probably the most credible.​
To spite their faces. :music06:

BTW, Ancient Egyptians weren't black.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olO17P-OYsI]Ancient Egyptians were not Black - YouTube[/ame]
Fuck it - I'm just going to blanket-blame religion anyway. It fucks up most things on the planet.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYYBlPWYb7Y"]Afghanistan Taliban Muslims destroying Bamiyan Buddha Statues - YouTube[/ame]
The story emp posted does seem plausible... I'd be more satisfied if there weren't thousands of other statues/artifacts out there with their noses hacked off.


You might want to keep studying. Egypt has been multiracial for thousands of years.

BTW, Ancient Egyptians weren't black.


Everyone knows that there has been a history of racist ideas in Western academia that were often fixated on separating Egypt culturally and biologically from the rest of the African continent, due to the fact that the Ancient Egyptians invented Science, Astrology, Mathematics, Language/Writing, Medicine, the Calender etc.

A recent study which performed an analysis of the skin on Ancient Egyptian noble mummies from Upper Egypt found it to be "packed with melanin as expected for specimens of Negroid origin".

I don't understand why they would want to hide all of this though?
A recent study which performed an analysis of the skin on Ancient Egyptian noble mummies from Upper Egypt found it to be "packed with melanin as expected for specimens of Negroid origin".

Why would they rely on melanin levels to determine race, (which doesn't actually signify race anyway) when you can accurately determine race by looking at the the skull? That shit doesn't even make any sense.

And are you really saying that you think sub-saharan Africans were in Egypt thousands of years ago in large numbers and that they invented Science, Astrology, Mathematics, Language/Writing, Medicine, the Calender - then for some mysterious reason moved south of the Sahara to became a primitive culture while everyone else took credit for their great accomplishments and hid it by destroying the noses off of a statue? Come on man, this sounds like some Pewep level shit right here.
I was going to make a really smart-ass comment, but instead will just thank all those of you with knowledge on the matter for sharing it. As the old saying goes, learn something new every day.
And are you really saying that you think sub-saharan Africans were in Egypt thousands of years ago in large numbers and that they invented Science, Astrology, Mathematics, Language/Writing, Medicine, the Calender - then for some mysterious reason moved south of the Sahara to became a primitive culture while everyone else took credit for their great accomplishments and hid it by destroying the noses off of a statue? Come on man, this sounds like some Pewep level shit right here.

This is just the poor man's take on Africa... You're only regurgitating images that have been dangled in front of you by the media.

Others, with the financial means to explore the world, know that 80% of the countries in Africa are quite prosperous... Countries like Nigeria (the 5th largest Oil producer in the world) actually hold serious weight in the world due to their OPEC membership - an organisation that has the US by the balls as they control Oil prices in the Middle east, South america and Africa.

And to answer your question, Egypt itself is a derivative of Ancient Black African Civilizations. The Olmec, Maya, and Nubian civilizations preceded that of Egypt.

There are Pyramids found all over Africa and as you know, the Pyramids are aligned with specific stars and/or consonants - which does suggest that Africa, as a whole, is responsible for Astrology, Science, Mathematics and a whole lot more.

^^^ Did you watch the vid? There were blacks in Egypt but they were slaves. It's even depicted in their paintings.

There were actually several Black Pharaohs such as; Piankhi (742-715 BC), Shabaka I (715-701 BC), Shakatak (701-689 BC), Taharka (680-664 BC), and Tanutamun (664-650 BC).

They kept slaves, but the race of these slaves may shock you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da5C4CSI7xQ]The ONLY whites in Egypt were slaves - YouTube[/ame]
80% of the countries in Africa are quite prosperous...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da5C4CSI7xQ

You're fucking retarded. If you're going to troll you need to be less specific with your claims, otherwise when you say shit like this that is so obviously bullshit it undermines your previous work in the thread. A proper troll would only push back on things that are unverifiable or controversial.

It's too bad too, because you started off strong at about a 8/10. All of the elements were there and although it wasn't executed flawlessly, by invoking race you earned an extra 2 points to give you a respectable score.

Then in your second post the troll became more obvious because you got sloppy. Still enough to keep the thread alive and to cause minor butthurt, but for the most part I'd say you dropped to about a 5/10.

Then this glorious turd. It's a shame too because you could have taken this thread somewhere but now it's going to take a major effort to resurrect. You're going to need someone else to co-sign your bullshit and come at it from a different angle. Only by taking the thread in a different direction can this thing be salvaged now. You should be ashamed for wasting a good opportunity.
about the Great Sphinx nose , I think its broken on the world war with bomb