Why are Ringtone ads so hard?

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New member
Feb 28, 2008
I am a pretty consistent lurker on these forums and have learned A LOT from you guys. Thanks.

One common theme I see quite a bit is 'NOOBS stay away from ringtone ads'. My question is 'why?'

- is it too saturated a market?
- too hard to get people to submit?
- something to do with having so many cell phone carriers?

The reason I ask is that I've found a niche for a certain genre of ringtones that I think may work. Before I spend the time and money on this I'd just like to understand why I shouldn't venture this way.

There is still a lot of money in ringtones, that is why it's a "saturated" niche.

The only way to find out if you can make money in it is to do something. If you believe you have a good idea, test it out. It's the only way to truly learn.
I had success with a ringtone offer, but my budget for advertising was low and it kind of freaked me out. I was literally bouncing between my advertising action and the offer, watching one balance rise while the other fell. I was spending money fast and making money fast.

Being on a low budget, I had to stop it before I had a heart attack. I did make money though and may try it again when I have a more robust budget.

One clue...develop a campaign that is specific and popular. Not necessarily a specific ringtone. Hint...think holiday.
Lots of people say stay away because noobs will bid on terms like "Ringtones" and then wonder why they are paying $3 a click and not making any profits.

If you can find a nice niche for the ringtone market where the bids are still low enough and the traffic still converts then definately test it out and give it a run but stay away from generic ringtone terms or you'll be paying out the ass for them.
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