Who's watching the SpaceX launch?

Bummer, no launch. Oh well, next week! Had both streams open, which was good because spacex stream failed 51 seconds before (the aborted) launch.
Who needs NASA? The free market will blah blah blah.

Wait wait. How many failed launches has NASA had, and how many resulted in death? Before you seriously or sarcastically try to draw any comparison, you might not want to make an ass of yourself. On top of that, you like to think of yourself as an intelligent person, why would you be belittling MORE space exploration?
Wait wait. How many failed launches has NASA had, and how many resulted in death? Before you seriously or sarcastically try to draw any comparison, you might not want to make an ass of yourself. On top of that, you like to think of yourself as an intelligent person, why would you be belittling MORE space exploration?

I'm saying it's fucking retarded to retire the shuttles, cut NASA's funding, and then turn around and give a company that's not even a decade old more money in contracts than it would have cost to keep the shuttles running (or move to a reusable launch system like SpaceX).

This is what you get... a pseudo "free market" space program, ran by a douche like Elon Musk, and a government that just outsourced its space launches to a company who fails 30% of the time. Not to mention they can ditch the government contracts, which will leave NASA completely crippled (more so than it is now).

Fuck anyone who doesn't see what SpaceX really is.
Also... are you really going to compare NASA to SpaceX like that? SpaceX now has 50 years of technology and previous successes to base their launches on and they still can't get it right. They have things available to them that NASA couldn't have even dreamed up back in the 50's.

Not to mention that NASA went from nothing to landing a man on the moon in less time than SpaceX has been in business. And they did it without any of SpaceX's advantages. In the fucking 1960's. How's that for a comparison?