Who here promotes Fleshlight?


New member
May 14, 2010
Do you have good results? What is the way you have found to promote it that yields the best conversions?

i just rent a dingy and go out to oil rigs and sell them to all the guys up there.

all bros, no hoes.

too bad about all the oil in the gulf now though. gets stuck in my motor.

i'm thinking about going 50/50 with smaxor. he flys the copter, lowers me on the rigs, and i sell some of my latest order of 1,000 vampire fleshlights (twilight is still really popular, right?)
^ That's smart thinking.

I generally just walk around in public (malls, concerts, church, "pride" events, etc) wearing mine handing out business cards that direct people to my LP.
You have to set up near the highway in the afternoon when people are coming home from work. There are usually a few guys holding signs or otherwise trying to hitchhike; they are not really, they just want a few bucks, so give them $20 each to stand there and use the fleshlight where the commuters can see. Keep a bit of gin on you; if they are hesitant, give them a couple shots first and they'll be ready to rock. Then you stand further down at the light with a box of fleshlights and collect the $$ there.
^ That's smart thinking.

I generally just walk around in public (malls, concerts, church, "pride" events, etc) wearing mine handing out business cards that direct people to my LP.

would you be willing to sell an ebook that goes more in depth on this new traffic method?
Just look for my upcoming WSO that includes a .pdf, 4 instructional videos, and a mindmap.

Offer limited to first 50 customers so act fast!

I would recommend you use Product Launch Formula of some guru. You'll be swimming in all $10,000 bills plus you'll get mass following of DPers and warriors to be able to sell them more pdfs in emails!
Sup Bhhustle. I'm an industry leader in the transactions of flesh lights and have a few important tips to share.

1. Make sure to go to high traffic areas near you. The highest volume area for me is in the center of downtown dallas where I target all the young professionals in the area. Target your cardboard accordingly to appeal to the young professional target market to get even more conversions!

2. Make sure you day-part your campaigns. I used to stand outside all day holding my cardboard until I slowly optimized to my highest converting time periods from around 11:45-12:30 (lunch) and 2:30-4:30PM (end of work).

3. Hire Mexicans. Mexicans are the new Indians

Lets get that paper!!!
I tried promoting Fleshlights, but I fell for my own landing page. Anyone want one?

Here at the Titty Twister we’re slashing pussy in half!
Give us an offer on our vast selection of pussy!
This is a pussy blow out!
Alright, we got white pussy, black pussy, spanish pussy, yellow pussy. We got hot pussy, cold pussy. We got wet pussy. We got smelly pussy. We got hairy pussy, bloody pussy. We got snapping pussy. We got silk pussy, velvet pussy, naugahyde pussy. We even got horse pussy, dog pussy, chicken pussy.
C'mon, you want pussy, come on in Pussy Lovers!
I find that peddling them at Church youth groups works well - lots of horny little fuckers there.

But with the economy the way it is most can't even afford a fucking fleshlight so I am busy working on a rental option. The real saving in that is that you don't even need lubrication - Now thats a Win.
I tried promoting Fleshlights, but I fell for my own landing page. Anyone want one?

Here at the Titty Twister we’re slashing pussy in half!
Give us an offer on our vast selection of pussy!
This is a pussy blow out!
Alright, we got white pussy, black pussy, spanish pussy, yellow pussy. We got hot pussy, cold pussy. We got wet pussy. We got smelly pussy. We got hairy pussy, bloody pussy. We got snapping pussy. We got silk pussy, velvet pussy, naugahyde pussy. We even got horse pussy, dog pussy, chicken pussy.
C'mon, you want pussy, come on in Pussy Lovers!

LMFAO Cheech is the man.
1. Create a website
2. Put videos of yourself using fleshlights on the site
3. Put fleshlight ads on the site
4. Profit