Who has Dating Host and Post?

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New member
Nov 7, 2007
I am looking for a dating host and post affiliate program. I have a killer setup that produces. Preferebly one that does NOT include mate1 on the backend as they have been outright stealing leads by rotating a pixel free signup completion page 75% of the time. PM. Thx.

It jumps to their 3rd page upon reg, look at the source. When the pixels are firing, they have the pixel iframe. When they are not that iframe isnt in the source. Also i save my leads to DB to compare notes. When i get a postback, i know which lead got counted because i use the persons signup screename as a subid. They are cheating. I dont send dupes, wrong geo, under age etc.....anything that would scrub. When the other 3 sites in the mix get sent a lead 99/100 are recorded. These guys, 25/100. Not kosher.
It jumps to their 3rd page upon reg, look at the source. When the pixels are firing, they have the pixel iframe. When they are not that iframe isnt in the source. Also i save my leads to DB to compare notes. When i get a postback, i know which lead got counted because i use the persons signup screename as a subid. They are cheating. I dont send dupes, wrong geo, under age etc.....anything that would scrub. When the other 3 sites in the mix get sent a lead 99/100 are recorded. These guys, 25/100. Not kosher.

Explains why I couldn't get Mate1 to convert.
It jumps to their 3rd page upon reg, look at the source. When the pixels are firing, they have the pixel iframe. When they are not that iframe isnt in the source. Also i save my leads to DB to compare notes. When i get a postback, i know which lead got counted because i use the persons signup screename as a subid. They are cheating. I dont send dupes, wrong geo, under age etc.....anything that would scrub. When the other 3 sites in the mix get sent a lead 99/100 are recorded. These guys, 25/100. Not kosher.

This now makes sense to me.

Sometimes their offer converts like crazy, but today, I have not seen one lead for the past 2-3 hours, and there are over 100+ clicks gone by :(

Time to turn them off.
i don't know the backend but i'm pretty sure Neverblue has some dating post and host...
Are there any dating offers out there that don't scrub? It just pissed me off everytime i start a dating campaign, for the first few days i will be getting 0.50 epc and then start to drop to 0.08 epc.

I'm talking about good traffic, 25 year old above, etc.

I've tried eharmony,singlesnet, matchmaker, they are all the same.

Yeah dude, all of the offers at Lidango are totally 100% legit. Shouldn't have to worry about scrubbing with these offers. Check my signature if you're interested in signing up.
Yeah dude, all of the offers at Lidango are totally 100% legit. Shouldn't have to worry about scrubbing with these offers. Check my signature if you're interested in signing up.

Orly? You figured that out also with 57 clicks?
WTF is host and post?

Seeing as how thoroughly this question was answered above, I'd like to know what is meant by "host and post" as well. I'm noticing that it's mentioned more and more frequently among some offers on networks, but I'm not finding a definition.

Thanks in advance.
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