White labeling


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I have a question about white labeling. I asked my Aff manger if I could white label an offer and pretty much got the answer "sure, what do you need?" I have no idea what I need to white label an offer. I assume I would need a link and a pixel to place and way to post leads to the advertisers, but I'm not techie and I've never done this before.

How does white labeling work? Are there certain networks that cater to white labeling more than others. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Getting an offer white-labeled is when the network goes to the advertiser and asks them to design a unique landing page on the same exact offer for an affiliate.
Getting an offer white-labeled is when the network goes to the advertiser and asks them to design a unique landing page on the same exact offer for an affiliate.

No, thats a custom creative, not a traditional white label.
How does white labeling work? Are there certain networks that cater to white labeling more than others. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


You need to know what vars their script is expecting and if there are any field formatting specs (is the date in unix time?, etc...) and how it should be submitted. Then you get a landing page made and a script to take the input from the form on your landing page and post it to the networks form processor.

Generally, if you're asking for white label access its assumed you have a freaking clue what you're doing. It's not the right network you need to find, you just need to go to school.
come on peeople

it means that you are promoting a great $4.00 lead submit for "Dickroll Dating"
and you make your own landing page called "Make Monies Dating" where they signup on your site and the leads are passed (very technical stuff mkay)

so the people that sign up think they are going to "make Monies Dating" but after all is said and done are actually signing up for a Dickroll
come on peeople

it means that you are promoting a great $4.00 lead submit for "Dickroll Dating"
and you make your own landing page called "Make Monies Dating" where they signup on your site and the leads are passed (very technical stuff mkay)

so the people that sign up think they are going to "make Monies Dating" but after all is said and done are actually signing up for a Dickroll

And your point is???
Wait, you asked for a whitelabel and you don't even know what the hell one is?
That's like asking for chlamydia because it has a nice sound to it...

Whitelabelling is basically making out as if the offer is your own.
Dating sites are the biggy on this one. Shit like Deaf Dating Community for Deaf Singles. - Jul 5, 2009 is simply a whitelabel from Spark.net. They give you the back end, let you process with their processor and return results from their database... You make the creative, and theme it for a niche, and deal with all the customer support shit that arises from it.
How does white labeling work?
I am not sure of all the details but the most simple way is to setup your own website with a HTML form that does a POST action to the advertisers website. As mentioned you would need to validate all the input and make sure it is in the expected format.
<form action="http://www.theadvertiser.com/leadcapture.php?" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="campaignid" value="654321" />
<input type="hidden" name="affiliateid" value="123456" />
<input type="text" name="first_name" />
<input type="text" name="last_name" />
<!-- etc -->
I guess you check the response code to see if they accepted the lead. I haven't built one myself, also trying to figure out how they work. Lots of networks call it "Host and Post"

Clearly the OPs must know what white lable is, yet the answers are all bullshits. He asks how or what is needed to actually have the offer white labeled. Anyway, there's two type of leads processig(at least that's what i've known so far)

1. You have your own landing page, with form, then once submited it pass the variable(username, email, sex, etc...) via GET or POST method to advertiser's form processing page then land on offer page's final step. naughtyornice.com -> true.com for example. You could even collect email for your own during the process.

2. Some leads gen like insurances or loans with multiple steps, you'll need to pass it via XML(depends on advertisers). Well, unless you're doing large volume. I was once contacted by advertiser to white label their offer with this method, that's why i know.

3. There are other white label solutions, such as adult dating or aweber. Again that depends on the advertisers.
Thanks redmonkey, tangent and others I really appreciate your help. I do know what whitlelabeling is, but I admit that I have never done it before and not really sure how to. Anyways, I see some certain offers running where I know the lps are not normal at all so either it is the advertiser running it themselves or some affiliate is white labeling it. I'm going to contact some more of my aff managers to see if they can get in touch with the advertiser to see if they created the landing page. If not then I guess I will have to "go to school" and learn what white labeling is all about.
Would there be an issue with cross site scripting doing this? I've been curious as to making a better looking page, but wasn't sure that you could post form data from one site to another without many issues.
Sounds like you don't need a white label.

You might want a white label if you had a great domain name, tons of traffic, and you truly want to build a brand.

If you don't have that, I would recommend pushing sites that have a strong brand and good domain name... There are plenty of bad domain names in this space.


To me, a white label solution is for an entire site and not just for a landing page.

I'm looking for white label solutions because I have good domain names and the ability to drive traffic, but I don't want (or have the expertise) to build the sites. I could build a crappy site, but I would rather put a version of Travelocity on my travel domains and a good shopping mall technology on my shopping domains.