which web browsers do you check your site with?


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Which web browsers do you check your site with before you go live? Right now i do ff 3.5, IE 8, safari, and chrome. Do you guys use any others such as earlier versions of IE or FF?


yeah def check old versions of ie. for firefox users most of them are tech enough to keep their stuff updated, ie users are more than often scared to click yes to any box that pop up on their computer :p
browsershots takes too damn long for my taste

IE sucks as a browser experience so I simply downloaded IE7 (fuck IE8) and then downloaded this for legacy versions. Works fine although it does say in the help >> about tab that IE version is 7.XXXXX for each one .. it renders the page the same as browsershots.org so I'm hoping it's correct.

Chrome, Opera and Safari usually do a good job rendering anything that looks good in firefox ... combined they have very little marketshare though
Lots of things determine how a site shows up on a browser.

Even the ISP the visitor(s) is using counts.

So I just do the little I can & leave out the rest
I check them on:

- IE8 (droppped IE6 already)
- Firefox
- Safari
- Opera
- Opera Mini (from my mobile phone)
- Konkeror (using a Linux liveCD)

My conclusions:

- Easier sites are the minimalistic ones.
- Using a media="handheld" css file is not stupid at all. Actually helps a lot.
- Semi-fluid sites are a good idea (like Smashing Magazine, for example).

Hope this helps and nice boobs btw...
Lots of things determine how a site shows up on a browser.

Even the ISP the visitor(s) is using counts.

So I just do the little I can & leave out the rest

Outside of the obvious (ISP blocking certain content elements, ISP being slow), I don't see how an ISP could possibly affect the rendering of a page.
Firefox, IE, and Chrome. those constitute 98% of internet user's browsers. what else matters?