Which SEO software do you recommend?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
For a 3rd yr computer engineering major. I am familiar with PHP, MySQL, Java, etc. I am very interested in SEO and I have been looking around at the different SEO tools. LFE, Scrapebox, XRumer, etc.

Basically, I want to buy one of these and start offering my services as soon as possible to recoup my investment. Obviously I'm going to run a few test cases on some sites of my own and then do a few review copies, but I'm wondering which of these tools should I go with?

Personally, I'd like to get them all as I see how they can be used together to produce a lot of results, but I don't want to swipe $800 on my credit card and then find out that I suck ass at it. I guess what I'm really asking is do you think I can make some small monies (within a month or two) by mastering LFE OR Xrumer?

If you don't know which one to get, then you probably shouldn't be planning to offer a service to people here. Those tools are more than just programs, and there is a right and wrong way to go about using them. People here appreciate sellers who not only how to do what they're doing, but also how to do things strategically to produce better results.

I would recommend building out a few different niche sites, buy the cheapest tool first (which in your list is scrapebox) and testing it out on a few of them. As you watch the numbers and results, move on to adding a new tool into the mix and see how much you can improve your results with both tools. Then move on to another one.

Lastly, as a 3rd Year CE major who's interested in grey to black hat linkbuilding, I would encourage you to start looking into developing your own tools. There's a lot of challenges and really interesting problems to deal with when designing and building bots, and a lot of the time the work done building them will teach you a lot about the whole process. Start small, pick a small target, then move on to bigger and better things. By building your own tools, you have full control over whether any other people are jumping on your strategies or not.

Avoid saturation.
if you're new to SEO you should learn how to do everything manually first and actually learn what you're doing in the bigger picture instead of just clicking a 1 button solution and wondering what the hell just happened. If you can program then you might be interested in ubot as well if you wanna create your own custom jobs
As a computer engineering major, visual programming tools will probably drive you crazy. You know the languages you need to pull off nearly everything you want, so just go for it. Build out some tools to help you with keyword analysis/tracking first if you want to get your feet wet with bots but don't want to spam the world accidentally.

Play with Ruby too, it has a lot of good options for this kind of stuff.
As a computer engineering major, visual programming tools will probably drive you crazy. You know the languages you need to pull off nearly everything you want, so just go for it. Build out some tools to help you with keyword analysis/tracking first if you want to get your feet wet with bots but don't want to spam the world accidentally.

Play with Ruby too, it has a lot of good options for this kind of stuff.

If your going to go the bot route, check out webbots, spiders, and screen scrapers by Michael Shrenk.

It should be an easy read for you.
There are a couple of things to understand before you can get on with any SEO strategy. Seems like you want to make monies online like a lot of talented nerds here, but you really need to do some homework before you set sail.

1. Read all that you can on SEO. Try to understand the concept in paper before you get all practical about it. Read and understand what is metadata, keywords, keyword density, off page and on page customization and so on. Once you get your theory right, you can proceed.

2. Build a trial mininet. Start off with a free wordpress or blogger account and focus its niche on something very simple. This niche should have very little or no competition at all. Try for something simple such as your last name. Don’t try your full name, that would be a bit too easy. Now apply what you have learnt in step one to your free site. Give it a few weeks to mature and see your progress. There are a number of statistic and tracking sites available online which can help you see your progress.

3. Once you can see the rankings of your free site on a search engine ranking page, you know that you are good to go. But be aware. Things are not going to be as easy as it was. Now you will need to work harder.

4. Buy a few domains (3-5) and host them on a good platform. Create unique content for it. Or ask me to write it for you. (I Charge $2 /100 words) The better the content on your website, the more unique it is, the better it will rank. Next apply your metadata and other crap you read in step one.

5. Next start off with off page SEO. This includes building backlinks, social bookmarking, directory submissions and much more. Read about how you can do all this from the big G.

6. Monitor the progress of your sites over the weeks. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process and needs your constant attention. Your first aim should be to get your website indexed and then ranked. After which, you should aim for a Page Rank.

7. If you are looking for a bot to help you in a lot of these SEO processes, look out for uBot, xRumer, SENuke and Social Bookmarking Demon. Try to understand how these work before you can buy them

8. Now go on and on. You will get ranked.

BTW, there are a lot of webmasters on the SELL & BUY section of this forum who are kick ass in their work and can do some fancy work for you.

Now say thanks.
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Buy xrumer it is best for SEO. But bear in mind it takes some time to learn takes a lot of time and resources to create good DB. If you don't have at home very good bulletproof internet + good computer you will need also dedicated server costs ~$200-300/month.