Which One Of These Asian Hotties Would You Hit?

Which One Of These Asian Hotties Would You Hit?

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Sheesh, guys universally want oral and/or anal sex but freak out when the trannies come to town. Hypocrites, the lot of you. :)

What the fuck?
Being Asian would imply being human.

Those creatures != human
By looking at the votes, so far there are more people here who would bone a tranny than those who wouldn't.
-rep for the racism asswipe GTFO
LOL moron, fuck off with your racist stamping: I didn't mean it in a racist way. I'm more open minded about other ethnic races then my own, than anyone else I know.

There are many hot Asians, but these two look UGLY. This is not because they are Asian, but because HOW THE TWO SPECIFIC LOOKS ARE. I think their faces are ugly.

In case I have to spell it out for you:
"Being Asian would imply being human." <- I here say that being an Asian, is being a human.

"Those creatures != human" <- I'm referring to the two as "creatures" so that it would sound derogatory, because I don't like how they look.

Following from me saying that that A implies being like B, and that C != B, you should have used your brains and figured that I did not say A = C.

I don't even see how you got any racist crap out of what I said.
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