which book gave you inspiration in your life?why?


Pretty self explanatory.
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"The Secret"? Really?

Mine was "How to sell private proxies with reliable support for a competitive edge". Changed my life.
It wasnt a book, but Playboy magazine played a very memorable role in my youth.
Identifying The Secret as your favorite book should be qualify people for mental disability.

If you start the petition OP, I'll be glad to sign it. Then you can park in the handicap parking places without violating the law, faggot.
The Secret's not all *that* bad. If you continually think about something at a subconscious level, you're more likely to act on those thoughts.

On The Road was a good one for me.
my exact thought when i read the thread. granted its simplisitic in its concept and pretty chilldish in its delivery, but its not wrong. one could do worse.

This is off-topic but probably more interesting that the OP - why not set-up a test for 'the secret'. Wish for three random things over a time-frame you feel comfortable with and document the process. Much of success in life is down to attitude, you can see that in sports for example, and there can't be a down-side to having goals, being focused, believing in yourself etc, but some of the claims in the movie version of the secret were just ridiculous.
This is off-topic but probably more interesting that the OP - why not set-up a test for 'the secret'. Wish for three random things over a time-frame you feel comfortable with and document the process. Much of success in life is down to attitude, you can see that in sports for example, and there can't be a down-side to having goals, being focused, believing in yourself etc, but some of the claims in the movie version of the secret were just ridiculous.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbS9jZOlQjc]Dave Chappelle - The Secret - YouTube[/ame]