Which affiliate is best to sell an ebook through?

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New member
Feb 7, 2009
Seems like most people use CB but I'm a little worried about using them because a) I'm not sure I like their return policy (not that I'm selling crap, but I hear there's a lot of buy-and-returners), and b) it seems like it's really easy to steal CB products without even paying for them.

So if I were going to sell an ebook, and I definitely needed affiliate help because I'm a horrible salesman, which affiliate network would be best for me to sell through?

Can those of you here who sell through affiliate networks share with me your experiences?




nice pics, for one. For two, I would say that Hydra provides the most professional experience and experienced sales people that will make sure you get quality and volume.

it's entirely possible that I'm an idiot, but none of the options on their website looked like "click here to sign up and let affiliates sell your product."
CB have been screwing over affiliates big time, not sure about product sellers. But they are pretty much scamming everyone and stealing commissions.

Paydotcom is the other place for digital products, apparently more reliable.

This thread is gonna get pounded on but i will say i've been promoting some ebooks lately and doing pretty well. doesnt mean i like em but if you can make money then why the hell not.
I'd go paydotcom over CB anyday, but if you have a solid product reach out to one of the affiliate networks. You wont find an automated signup here for other folks to promote my shit link, you'll need to contact them, setup a conference call and present your business case. They won't take you on if its not going to make money.
Is there a difference in quality of affiliates in CB vs. paydotcom?

Also, I heard with PDC you have to pay the affiliates yourself. How does that work?

And if you make a ton of sales, PDC uses Paypal... can't they freeze your account, and then you wouldn't be able to pay the affiliates?
Commission Junction is the shit for ebooks and electronic products, in general.
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