where to find interesting content to post on a fan page?


New member
May 4, 2012
this client I did some SEO for wants me to take care of their Facebook fan page and post entertaining shit on a daily basis (they are a photography studio).

they have close to 1k fans but they never post anything on that page. Problem is I have no fucking clue what to post. Aside from digg or reddit, where can I find viral material that will get these motherfuckers to like/share and make my client happy?

Clients From Hell usually puts a smile on my face.

Then again, we have absolutely no clue whatsoever what kind of site we're talking about. A gaming site for kids? A cookie recipe site for old grannies? Maybe a site for RC helicopter enthusiasts. Maybe a KKK site.

Just find a bunch of those funny iPhone convos, and post them daily. Some of them are always good for a laugh.
Find some bigger blogs in your niche, add them to an RSS feed. When you want to post something, troll the feed of 10-20 blogs until you find something that looks interesting and then post it.

This can also be used for Twitter accounts. Use bufferapp.com and load up a bunch of content and you don't have to touch the account for a few days.

If you want to get crazy you can split test what types of stuff does well, and if you really care about adding value, you want to do things to increase their edge rank, which means they need to interact with your post.

If you can get them to comment or like a post, it's good. One of the easiest ways I've found is to have a link to an external site if they want to read the entire article, or see all the pictures or whatever. A click on a link counts as interaction and your stuff will show up in their feed more, and you'll get a higher reach.
One of the easiest ways I've found is to have a link to an external site if they want to read the entire article, or see all the pictures or whatever. A click on a link counts as interaction and your stuff will show up in their feed more, and you'll get a higher reach.

how hard is it to find an interesting photo a day and post it?

feature a non-competing photography company on your page for a link?

There are entire websites dedicated to photography... i thought this was going to be hard.
how hard is it to find an interesting photo a day and post it?

harder than you think man. People are tired of landscapes, close-ups, etc... it's tough to find something unique that'll get them to Like/Share the damn post.
harder than you think man. People are tired of landscapes, close-ups, etc... it's tough to find something unique that'll get them to Like/Share the damn post.

Yeah. If someone clicks on a link, it still counts as an interaction and will increase the edge rank.

You can't verify that it is sending traffic without some kind of analytics, you might consider sending them through bit.ly or some other kind of link shortener to track statistics on clicks to make your client happy.

But if all your client wants is likes/shares/comments, go here:

and just jack whatever they post up that gets a lot of likes and comments and shares.
Why do not you start a small photography competition with some real/virtual rewards. Participants are rewarded based on likes/shares their photos on your page get.