Where to find good C# developers?


New member
Feb 4, 2010
As with most people here, I outsource a lot of work, and for the most part the results are excellent, but for the last ~9 months I've been going through subpar C# developers at an incredible rate and it's become a huge problem (major project where the C# work has turned into a massive bottleneck).

I've normally hired off Elance and Odesk and for writers, designers, developers, html, css, javascript, php, server administration etc things have always gone well, but every C# developer I've hired has either been terribly incompetent or worked a few hours a week then vanished. I don't think costs are the issue as I usually hire one of the more expensive applicants and never put budget caps in my posts.

So basically, what am I doing wrong? Are there other places I should be looking to hire C# software devs. After so many repeated poor experiences I feel like I must be missing out on a part of the picture here. I'd really appreciate any advice you guys could give me on how to find them.

What I need is a C# developer with experience making Windows desktop software, and preferably some level of competence in USB functions, though as this point I'm willing to compromise on the latter.

Define expensive.

Most have been in the $25-35/hr range from Europe/Asia. If that isn't market price for C# then I'm not having the right people apply to my jobs as that's about the ceiling of what people ask.
Most have been in the $25-35/hr range from Europe/Asia. If that isn't market price for C# then I'm not having the right people apply to my jobs as that's about the ceiling of what people ask.

Seems about right for odesk, etc. I cant help you in finding a decent person on odesk/elance etc.

But there are two people on wickedfire that do C# work. Right now I can't remember their names, but when I do (need more coffee) I'll let you know.
Hey, I've been developing software using C# for years and I have already developed several projects for people on wickedfire.

Add me on Skype if you're interested.

Seems about right for odesk, etc. I cant help you in finding a decent person on odesk/elance etc.

But there are two people on wickedfire that do C# work. Right now I can't remember their names, but when I do (need more coffee) I'll let you know.

Thanks, I'd appreciate it.

Hey, I've been developing software using C# for years and I have already developed several projects for people on wickedfire.

Add me on Skype if you're interested.


I've added you on Skype
It would be better if you have given this quote in a job portal ....! They can provide you more information according to your requirement...!
It would be better if you have given this quote in a job portal ....! They can provide you more information according to your requirement...!

It would have been better if you went and played hide and go fucked yourself.
Are the people you're hiring having examples of previous work? I'm sure people lie and shit but eventually you have to find someone who works out.

"C# developer" is a really broad pool.... Anything from scripting in game engines to browser plugins, web services, etc.

I think if you narrow down exactly what you need you'll have better luck. "Software" is too broad as well, the game engine I use outputs "standalone software" that runs on windows/mac/browser/android/ios.

I got my physical 9-5 job on elance.
Are the people you're hiring having examples of previous work? I'm sure people lie and shit but eventually you have to find someone who works out.

"C# developer" is a really broad pool.... Anything from scripting in game engines to browser plugins, web services, etc.

I think if you narrow down exactly what you need you'll have better luck. "Software" is too broad as well, the game engine I use outputs "standalone software" that runs on windows/mac/browser/android/ios.

I got my physical 9-5 job on elance.

Thanks for the advice, I've tried posting the job several different times at once now, in both broad and very specific terms. Seems like I might have one or two worth interviewing this round. The problem with my particular product is it kind of blurs the line between two skill sets that while both somewhat common very few people have both of.

I try to review their previous coding examples when I'm able, but since I'm not a developer myself, the extent I'm able to do so is mostly limited to seeing how well they comment, whether the code is properly organized, handling exceptions rather that burying them etc. and if the end result works. It's pretty basic, but you'd be amazed how many people send software that wont run or apps with 1 star ratings.
I specialize in C# development. Primarily web applications, but have experience in desktop / winforms development. I also team with two other C# specialists and have some time available for side projects if you were still looking to work with someone.