Where to begin?


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Hello I am 16 and I have little experience in making money online and my only income is from a GPT website. I tried looking at the thread with all the guides but there were too many and some of them are confusing and need large amount of money to begin with. I also saw on another thread that some people are making over 3 figures a day which is still blowing my mind. (No pun intended)

So I'm just asking for advice, I really want to make some extra cash online. Just wanted to know which is the best way to begin with. Please point me in the right direction or to the right guide(s). I am happy with $2-10 a day. I currently have about $100 in my paypal account.

One thing that I am trying to start up is a website that shows my day by day progress of working out and might need help on advertising on it soon. Questions like which affiliates should I sign up for/ if I can have more than one up.


Oh yeah and what does "Black Hat" and"White Hat" mean?

I am happy with $2-10 a day. I currently have about $100 in my paypal account.
You can make $10 a day link building or writing content. Both skills are transferable to the next level of IM, and providing services like that will help you get to know some of the people in the game, what they expect, and what they are working on.

Learn how things work before spending a nickel on anything.

One thing that I am trying to start up is a website that shows my day by day progress of working out and might need help on advertising on it soon.
Working out what?

Oh yeah and what does "Black Hat" and"White Hat" mean?
Han Solo vs Luke Skywalker
You spelled "bitch" wrong, idiot.

You can make $10 a day link building or writing content. Both skills are transferable to the next level of IM, and providing services like that will help you get to know some of the people in the game, what they expect, and what they are working on.

Learn how things work before spending a nickel on anything.

Working out what?

Han Solo vs Luke Skywalker
I have no idea what "writing content" or "level of IM" is.

Working out as in exercising.

Sorry I still don't get it. Han Solo from Star Trek and Luke Skywalker is from Star Wars?

But thanks for trying to help. I appreciate it.
you won't learn shit by asking questions like these. particularly on this forum. Best advice would be to start doing shit and fail alot. Spend those $100 tiger ;)

If you want a quick crash course on making LOTS of monies online, click on the Youtube video.
heh. ^

OP, you should start out at digitalpoint first. If you've read everything there, figure out what things like "IM" and "content writing" are and if you are still interested, then come back.

edit: moving thread to newbie forum so no need for any more dickrolls.
Thanks everyone I will check out all your suggestions.
Explain to me how this could ever be misconstrued as a pun, or remotely humorous in any way.
The "blowing my mind" part.

I think Mickey D might be a better option for you.
Mickey D wont hire me because I'm too young and no job experience. And I know the english meaning just not what it means like does it mean to write articles or like write html codes?
I highly advise checking out forums like Digital Point - Digital Point Forums (don't worry - it's a real link) to answer some of these types of questions. It's a much better place to cut your teeth in Internet Marketing (IM).

As far as what guerilla was referring to, he meant to write articles about something you know about and you can sell those to people at places like DP. Doing little services like that is a good way to start out making some money and learning along the way.
Folk, the best way to get started is starting a blog in free platforms like blogger or wordpress. Choose the best topic you like and start writing posts that you will love and infact people will love too.

Do some basic seo stuffs and drive traffic to your website. Remember without traffic (I mean real people visiting your website), there will be no money. Apply for CPC networks especially like the one that Google has -> Google adsene, and start minting money.