Where oh where have the education offers gone?

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$monies = false;
Dec 7, 2006
Wine Cuntry
It used to be that every network had the likes of University of Pheonix, Kaplan University, etc. I cant seem to locate them on A4D, Neverblue, CJ or CPA Empire.

Are these offers gone for good? Is there any network that has ANNNNY of these offers still left? Are there any decent alternatives besides the "Degree Finder" affiliates?

From what i heard a shitload of fraud caused a lot of the advertisers to stop campaigns and some with held payments for some time. Just what i head, not sure how accurate it is.
check my sig. it's alot of shit to get accepted (4 or 5 page contracts, NDAs, etc) but once you are in you can SWIM in edu offers that stick around, aren't as competitive, have great EPCs and are stable. Right now there are about 200+ schools - 95% of the top online schools plus lesser known campus schools that pay from like $18 all the way up to $28 or $30
I can tell you exactly where edu went.

Just the same way everyone rips the same acai blogs, grant blogs etc. there was a period where it was hot to incentivize people to fill out edu offers by creating job sites and saying that if they filled out the offers, they had a better chance of getting a job because it shows the employer that they are interested in education. These were all copied too. Needless to say the quality of the leads were crap and the advertisers caught on which means no more edu.

There actually is edu but a lot of it is set private and its a lot stricter then it used to be.
Edu is still going really strong, at least for us. But TFLNetwork is right, the fraud has been out of control lately. I know for our network, we have had to lock down who runs our edu offers pretty tight. We make people run traffic to a portal before we allow them to get specific schools, if we don't know them.

The schools don't give a lot of room when it comes to fraud. On person running a bunch of fraud can kill the school for the whole network.
OK.....I will let the cat out of the bag here since I have gotten a number of pm's. Share Results (yes this is my sign up link) is currently running a $75 edu offer that looks like it will convert well. It's a 3 stage form and you get $25 per sign up. This is an offer that is targetting Working Women. This offer will convert if you think out of the box and really target well. Something like this I would go so far as to contact schools and get a conference call with someone (the Marketing Director of WGU I believe is a part of the Linkedin Online Lead Gen group). Obviously with all the $$ in edu, they are selective - they have to and can afford to be.

Also, I think it's important for you guys to know that a large segment of this demographic is women - esp. when you get down to the programs that convert well. I'd suggest connecting with some colleagues to try to get into their minds. At $75 obviously it's really worth it to the advertisers. Fortunately, I happen to be a woman so it helps me see things in a way perhaps some guys might not. Then again this is a Gay Affiliate Marketing Forum, so then again.....lol
If you can do volume and are interested in this offer, pm. I will try to give you advice, 'cause if you make $$, I'll make a little too....
Thanks for the info guys...

Im not opposed to running a Degree Finder kind of offer, but most of the ones I found had awful LPs and generally looked like shit. The only one I have found to be even decent to look at is OnlineSchools.net from NBA - Anyone have experience with this offer?
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