Where Is GeekCognito?

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New member
Apr 19, 2007
If any of the mods or members are in contact with GeekCognito please ask him to get in contact with me. He is almost 2 weeks late on an order that I've already paid for and has not responded to email or PM.

If something has come up that he's dealing with then I'll understand, but after 2 weeks I would expect at least 1 email to let me know what's going on.

If any of the mods or members are in contact with GeekCognito please ask him to get in contact with me. He is almost 2 weeks late on an order that I've already paid for and has not responded to email or PM.

If something has come up that he's dealing with then I'll understand, but after 2 weeks I would expect at least 1 email to let me know what's going on.

I haven't seen him around in awhile and usually he is right on top of things, maybe it has something to do with christmas being right around the corner.
I ordered some articles from him about 6 weeks ago. I paid upfront (which I usually would not do) because I heard great things about him here. He gave me a delivery date of 5 days later.

That date came and went. Two more weeks came and went with me emailing him with no response. He was not on AIM. I PM'ed him here with no reply.

I finally initiated a dispute via paypal three weeks after the delivery date had passed. He contacted me on AIM the next day. His excuse was that he had forgotten (at least he was honest). He promised to get the articles to me the next day with a couple extra thrown in.

I waited another week and received nothing. I escalated the dispute to a claim and he finally refunded my money.

I'm not sure what kind of stuff he has going on but my advice would be to seek a refund and take your business elsewhere. I found two quality writers on Elance.
I've tried contacting him numerous times through PM, email and AIM but he's never on. What bothers me is that it says he was last on wickedfire on Dec.10, so he has been around and online recently. But he won't respond. Normally I wouldn't have paid upfront either, but I trusted his reputation plus the fact that he's a Moderator on here. So as of now I'm out $200.. merry f'ing xmas!
Same here, I ordered articles about two weeks ago ...still dont have them and hes not responding to my emails.
He's not going to like me for saying this, hell he's going to want to kick my ass after this, but whatever, he did the same thing to me a while back and I wasn't the only one. He does have a good reputation for his work, there's no doubt about the quality of his content. He just never delivers on time. If you don't believe me do a search under my name and I made the same post you did, just wondering where he was. Whenever he would give me a deadline and it would pass, I would give him enough time and never here from him. The only order he delivered on time was my first order. I explained to him numerous times that I understand if he's busy, but just let me know what's going on and keep me in the loop, just so I know he hasn't forgotten about me.

He even made a public apology after that (you can search and find it), and now the same thing is happening with other people.

Then you know what happened after that, apparently somebody from his dick suckin "posse" on here narced and told him that I was "talkin shit" about him, and it was nothing like that (do a search if you think I was trying to ruin his reputation) all I wanted to know was where he was. So then he PM's me after that like, "what's going on? people are saying your talkin bad about me and you're ruining my reputation." he said something like that, I'm not going to go through to find the exact quote. He said this based on just that one post wondering where he was.

I would never work with him again even though he has quality work it's the way he treats his customers. Maybe he's too proud of his work and thinks we need him.

If any of you want a good recommendation go to sales@communicatebetter.org she keeps in contact with you regularly, multiple times a day, you get responses from her all the time. She treats her business like a real job. Articles are top notch quality she knows all about the IM business and is very talented as well. She took over (Cameron - AdJump) business since he got CT and had to stop writing and he made a good decision she knows what she's doing and most importantly she'll never leave you in the dark. If you mention WF I think you can get a discount as well.

I don't like talking about people like this, but seriously this is fucked up that it's happening this many times especially to WF members. Some of us rely on IM as our only source of income and sometimes deadlines are important and he needs to get his shit together if he's going to run a business.

I'm sure he's a good guy and all but business is business.
Sorry don't mean to start drama, I've never been involved in any drama online. This would be my first if you consider this drama. I just think everybody needs to know the truth of what's going on, instead of these disappearing acts that he pulls. The first time he used his family as an excuse he said there was some kind of family crisis or something I think, what kind of shit is that? Now, I see the same thing happened again. If that in fact is true, a family crisis, and he's involved in the same thing again. Then I take back what I said.
Ha! I love drama :subscribed:

Keep this rolling :D

(btw I understand if that's ubaidabcd reasoning. Geekcognito gotta showed up and explain the situation!)
Here is my contribution to the drama, because I feel like it...

if you are going to sell anything on here, be prepared to be called out if you screw people over. If you under deliver, you should expect to be dragged through the mud. If you don't deliver at all, you should not log in here again.

I personally am not on here that much anymore because I am working on expanding my business. What I earn isn't something I appreciate being taken from me from anyone that promises but doesn't perform. The time I am on here is when I'm ordering services from the people here that have delivered consistently, on time, and sent me exactly what I paid for. Those people have my iTrader feedback and my continued business.

I would love to see the buy sell and trade limited to people with perfect feedback and a certain number of posts before they can even list anything for sale. Screw one WF member and you're banned from selling here. That's in my perfect little world though, and because it's caveat emptor I tend to only buy from one or two people at WF and use other, more trusted services for my business.

My advice is to buy only from people who have stellar feedback, people who you've researched posts made by and about them, and people that have a great reputation here. Even then, you'll probably still get burnt at some point or another.
If any of you want a good recommendation go to sales@communicatebetter.org she keeps in contact with you regularly, multiple times a day, you get responses from her all the time. She treats her business like a real job. Articles are top notch quality she knows all about the IM business and is very talented as well. She took over (Cameron - AdJump) business since he got CT and had to stop writing and he made a good decision she knows what she's doing and most importantly she'll never leave you in the dark. If you mention WF I think you can get a discount as well.
Most of her article packs are over $20 per article... way too expensive in my opinion.

I've ordered from both Geek and Yoink before their late/missing fiascos... they delivered decent articles... but I won't order from them now because of all of the negative feedback recently. Maybe Geek just got swamped with orders (I know... not a good excuse... and they should communicate with customers).

I'm look for a good writer now also... have a lot of new projects coming up.

Anyone else have recommendations?
elance is hit or miss... and I have ran into problems with a writer that sold my set of articles again to another person (can happen in popular topics). There are ways they can game the feedback on elance.

But I see your point... test the waters on elance with some small orders... then stick with the best writer.
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