Where do you get your desktop backgrounds?

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
Just wondering. I'm looking for "cool" designs or anything mainly. not girls though=( i live in my mom's house so i have to play by her rules.

Digital artists make some pretty crazy stuff in there. Just browse around and you can find almost anything you want a background of. Occasionally you might come across a racy picture, so try not to browse when your mom is around.
DruSam said:
hah i beat you! :ak:

hehe I tried to hide it with the olde delete... :)

The navigation has gone sucky since they did the redesign IMO. It's a challenge to browse by category these days.
guysmy said:
hehe I tried to hide it with the olde delete... :)

The navigation has gone sucky since they did the redesign IMO. It's a challenge to browse by category these days.

Yeah you have to buy a subscription to do a search, and faster load times. But I'm sure that place eats up a boat load of bandwidth so I don't blame them.

There are two things I hate:
1. People are intolerant of other peoples tastes.
2. And cats!
I get mine from http://www.troutnut.com/desktop-backgrounds (a section of my site). They're cool closeup insect photos and trout stream landscape photos. I meant the section as just a little enhancement of my trout fishing site, but it's turned out to generate pretty good traffic on its own. I wrote the PHP/ImageMagick code to generate optimized images for 99%+ of all screens from just three initial sizes uploaded. I'm proud of it. :p
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