Where did WickedFire come from?


3 what?!?
Aug 25, 2010
I just stumbled onto WickedFire a couple months ago, and was excited to finally be able to avoid all the "Buy my super awesome ebook to dominate the internet" of a certain other IM forum out there, and all the "i have good help rank you now" of yet another. Finally, a place where internet marketers can actually speak some proper english and aren't busy giving each other motivational speeches and selling e-books all day.

Was WF created as some kind of mass user exodus from one of those other IM boards to get away from the kind of stuff I described above? Or was it just some guy starting a forum that naturally grew? If I'm not mistaken, it's quite a bit newer than those other sites, but seems to have a lot more knowledge flying around in spite of that.

When two gay webmasters love each other very much...
Wickedfire was spawned by the miracle of Seo1 spider and Seo2 spider meeting each other at ASW. After bumping into each other outside of the convention, they struck up a conversation about nofollow and follow links. This would ultimately lead to an unbridled, no-holds barred fuck fest that would be responsible for the birth of wickedfire. The story continues....

When the 2 seo ninja spiders realized that they both shared the same passion for creating link juice and ranking, they immediately fell in love.

In that very moment they decided to skip the shoemoney keynote and proceed directly to Seo2's hotel room where they banged each other on their quickly spun web of linkfuckery. Caught up in this passionate moment, Seo1 could no longer hold back his spider silk. In what looked like a fit of rage, Seo1 reared back and injected Seo2 with a massive silkpie load.

9 months later, the bastard child of this SEO lust fuck fest would spawn WickedFire (aka - Seo3 Spider).

and that's how it all started.

I have ebook that talks about this and money other things you can money big time. Hit me up we can talk business long time.
i was there when WF was just a gleam in the eye of Jon.... and then he told me to do naughty naughty things :(
Wickedfire was formed after AoJon grew an enormous Epeen from posting a CJ screenshot on sitepoint showing a ton of unpaid earnings.

Being tired of all the censorship and wanting minions to stroke his newly formed Epeen he held a referral contest and once we started cussing at each other there was no turning back... the monster was formed.
Wickedfire was formed after AoJon grew an enormous Epeen from posting a CJ screenshot on sitepoint showing a ton of unpaid earnings.

Being tired of all the censorship and wanting minions to stroke his newly formed Epeen he held a referral contest and once we started cussing at each other there was no turning back... the monster was formed.

I still think they should have made you CEO
Wickedfire was formed after AoJon grew an enormous Epeen from posting a CJ screenshot on sitepoint showing a ton of unpaid earnings.

Being tired of all the censorship and wanting minions to stroke his newly formed Epeen he held a referral contest and once we started cussing at each other there was no turning back... the monster was formed.

hahahah...im still waiting for that site he promised for referring 30 ppl!!