where can i find a software


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2009
Hey Im hoping that some guys might have come across a software that can do the following. Any software (preferably free )that will do an advanced search and replace for text files/.doc files?

Basicallly i need the software to be able to search for multiple words/phrases at a time. For instance if i have a sentence ' This is a blue bird running in the blue wind fighting another bird also running'.

i would like the sw to find the words bird, fighting and blue so that each could be replaced by another specific word.
like bird= frog

so the sentence should now read 'this is a pink frog running in the pink wind battling another frog also battling'

Any ideas?

ok. thanks for the idea. but is there any other way that i could do this instead of hiring someone? Because I got some doenloaded programs but they were all to replace single words in multiple text files which is not what i want.
If you don't know PHP, this would be a great learning project for ya.. go to tizag.com and learn the PHP tutorial. Then read the link jryan gave u on str_replace and you are good to go. It will take you some time, but it will be well worth it.

Only suggestion I have for ya.
It's definitely gonna require some programming knowledge to do this. Of course you can do it word by word with any decent text editor but not all those words at the same time.
like bird= frog

Any ideas?

What format do you have your list of search/replace pairs in?

If your input files are plain text (you can read them in notepad), and the search/replace data is in some format that's easy to load into a PHP script, this is a 15 liner.
