Where can I discuss my affiliate program on WF?


New member
Jun 30, 2015
Hey guys, I'm new to affiliate marketing and this forum seems to be the place to get started.

I have a t-shirt brand that I think would really lend itself to affiliate marketing. I've already set up the backend with LeadDyno, and I'm just about ready to recruit marketers to start promoting. I'd like to see if anyone here is interested before promoting it to the general public.

Is this allowed on WF? What subforum would be the best place to discuss this? Am I allowed to post a link to my site or is that considered spam?

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to joining the community here.

BTW I'm not a complete numbnuts. I've searched this site pretty thoroughly and haven't found if this forum has a place for us product developers. Regardless, this seems like a community I'd like to take part in.

I'd really appreciate if someone could help me figure out where I'm supposed to be.
This is not really the kind of place you'll have much luck 'promoting' you're Tshirt brand right out of the gate. WF is more of a give then take kind of place. Basically if you want to find affiliates, start by giving.
Thanks dmnEPC for your serious reply to my comment. I am all for giving before taking, and would really like to join a community of professionals if I can add anything of value.

The thing is, I don't have much to add to the discussion of online promotion. My skills are more focused on developing/manufacturing products, designing websites and building distribution systems. Maybe it's because the forum is in the middle of a major change now, but I'm having a hard time finding where my skills will be helpful to anyone.
Are you honestly trying to do affiliate marketing on an affiliate forums? then do this one step at a time

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and yes posting your link here with that post count is considered spam. Its 70+ post for you to have a signature with links, honestly no idea about the thread link