When you need solid business advice

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New member
Apr 27, 2007
With the exercise nazis
When you need solid business advice from someone who won't benefit from their advice to you, where do you go? A person or a resource? Or both? How do you make the big decisions/choices?

People. I have several successful friends whose opinion I value.

Resources are usually of limited value for sound, applicable business advice.
Advice in general? If its legal, I go to a lawyer, if its financial I go to an accountant or financial planner.

As for business strategy/direction/whats next/etc, its me. No one else knows all the different variables that go into my goals, let alone understands all of the different variables involved in internet business today.
As for business strategy/direction/whats next/etc, its me. No one else knows all the different variables that go into my goals, let alone understands all of the different variables involved in internet business today.

This is what I meant, the strategy/direction thing.

The only problem is, I don't understand all the different variables involved. It's one of those "if I make the wrong choice I may regret it forever" type things.
Business advice? I would ask some friends of mine in the field. If you need a second opinion on something, just ask. I promise I won't take your information for benefit. If you don't believe me, I'll sign an NDA ;)
This is what I meant, the strategy/direction thing.

The only problem is, I don't understand all the different variables involved. It's one of those "if I make the wrong choice I may regret it forever" type things.

If you're deciding whether to make a video for next internet millionaire....


people will laugh at you and make you cry.
i trust one close friend who made his money pre-internet then had the foresight to grab a few of the most valuable domain names on the planet and expand his fortune on the internet... he doesn't always understand all of the web-related nuances in a project but he sees the big picture from the perspective of a businessman and provides advice for the long term :)
It's one of those "if I make the wrong choice I may regret it forever" type things.

Do not defend status quo!
Some business just don't get big, because they simply do this. They do not take the risk. But many companies who take the risk win. See, Apple is able to sell a stupid buggy phone for 500$ or so.

When you are already asking for advice here in WF, you are not that unconfident about your new idea/task/choice/risk/chance. So you might ask some friends about your idea. Actually you do not give a lot of details :)

If you need simple business advice, in Germany there exist institutions who help you with startup and simple things. Perhaps you could give more details, in which direction you have to decide.
Advice in general? If its legal, I go to a lawyer, if its financial I go to an accountant or financial planner.

As for business strategy/direction/whats next/etc, its me. No one else knows all the different variables that go into my goals, let alone understands all of the different variables involved in internet business today.

If you need simple business advice, in Germany there exist institutions who help you with startup and simple things. Perhaps you could give more details, in which direction you have to decide.

Yeah, we've got Business Link here - same sort of thing. Is there any government/state business advice service where you are? They should be impartial and certainly not try to sell you anything.
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