when to switch from shared to vps


New member
Sep 20, 2010
I recently switched my account at dreamhost over from a shared account to a vps.

I pay more than twice as much but still not too bad. I want to know if i blew my load too soon. What are the keys that make it appropriate to switch from shared to a vps? Maybe too general a question, if it is, what info can i provide?

I would say it's the budget thing on the first place. If you have money vps is great since it povides more privacy, security and stability. If the budget is low then you can go with shared hosting as long as you do not use too much resources.
I would prefer to just keep opening new accounts with a small network of sites on each. This way you trade links between the sites. Also your eggs aren't all in one basket when a virus gets injected across the network of sites.
A huge thing to consider is your time and experience in server administration. It is a lot easier to administer a shared account than it is an entire server. Security becomes an important issue and can hose you if you don't get it right. If you do not have the time or the skill set, I'd recommend you stay on the shared hosting account or open a second shared account, perhaps with a different hosting provider for IP and DR diversity when the need arises.
I knew it was time to switch to VPS when my clients sites kept maxing out the resources limit, I probably wouldn't of bothered otherwise.
I recently switched my account at dreamhost over from a shared account to a vps.

I pay more than twice as much but still not too bad. I want to know if i blew my load too soon. What are the keys that make it appropriate to switch from shared to a vps? Maybe too general a question, if it is, what info can i provide?

You need to find a host that offers cloud linux os, that will solve most of your problems with abusive users on the same server.
VPS offers more dependability but you need to think about how much it costs. I had a great site on a dedicated rackspace IP one time.
I only use VPSs nowadays. The amount of freedom and ease of use is incomparable. They're also not that expensive.
I currently have 2 VPSs and 1 dedi for my sites.
One of those VPSs costs $10 / month and hosts 25 wordpress sites and 2 vbulletin forums.
Setting up a wordpress site takes less than 5 minutes on a VPS and the amount of flexibility you have is second to none. All the sites run really smoothly even when they get traffic.

I forward the DNS of almost all of them using cloudflare. They're not an interlinking blog network so I'm not that worried about the shared IPs should they be discovered through Cloudflare. For the ones I am worried about I just buy an additional IP for an extra $2.

A VPS really is small change for what it can get done. Even if I was running one site, I'd never be able to go back to shared hosting.
when to switch from shared to vps
I think you need to switch when your shared hosting can't handle traffic any more. In my experience I even got higher ranking because of load speed when switched to VSP.