When Network/ Offer Goes Down

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New member
Aug 13, 2008
Just wondering what you guys do when a network or offer goes down. Some of the networks don't even let you know that their tracking is down, and other times its on the advertisers side.

Like right now my links are dead from a CX... but I have still not received an email or notification. The only way I found out is I was testing a new LP.

Is it reasonable to ask for compensation for the down time?

Is there any software out there that can check your links for down time?


make something that checks your offer pages via your link every N minutes and alerts you when they cant be reached
A good network will tell you as soon as they know, a good affiliate will notice before the network does and alert the network. Any good network should most certainly compensate for down time that was either their fault or the advertisers fault.
I don't sit there checking my stats every five minutes. In most cases I do catch it before the network, but in some cases when I am walking the dog or at the gym (yeah right), an email would be clutch.

Neither do I. I've been busy with some family matters over the past few days and just found out earlier today I'm sending hundreds of visitors to "Webfetti" offers ... from a financial campaign no less. Not a peep from the network that the offer has vanished.

Last week I noticed the offer I was promoting on a certain network was forwarding to an offer that that particular network didn't even have available. In this case it was advertiser mischief outside of the network's control, but still.

Seriously, isn't part of the responsibility of a network to monitor and communicate the availability of an offer? And I don't mean a responsibility limited to an offer's introduction and attendant fanfare to get us to promote in the first place.

Let's just say that some networks are better at it than others.
Spread your business with other networks who supply the same offer/niche you are performing on. It's reasonable to ask the network to credit you for the downtime if they failed to respond in notifying you for the downtime.
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Spread your business with other networks who supply the same offer/niche you are performing on. It's reasonable to ask the network to credit you for the downtime if they failed to respond in notifying you for the downtime.

Yeah. Understood. Thank you.

It's just that I just started pushing some offers really hard recently and have come to find that some "networks" don't "network" much with affiliates.
How about use basicstate to monitor your campaign and website?

I use a paid service to monitor sites that I administer. The matter here though is quite different.

The issue here is to do with tracking credit for traffic and leads to an advertiser through a network and getting credit for it while at the same time knowing when the relationship between the advertiser and the network has changed.

Simply monitoring a site's uptime is immaterial in this case. It's about knowing when the relationship between the network and the advertiser has changed and making appropriate changes in one's campaigns. Monitoring a site's uptime will not tell me anything about that relationship; affiliate managers are in place to do that.
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