When in doubt chase!

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Perl Monkey
Jan 5, 2007
Theres 650 million reasons why monkys are not related to the dolphaplatapus. Each of them is as obtuse as the next round keypad pressed red dots. Now don't take my word for it. Its one of those tissues that your gonna have to stich up yourself or get smashed and sucked up a camel toe and never see the light of day, or the fress sea breeze.. Hopefully she bathes but if not eat a green bannana and dream of better places.. When it rains the cement hurts so don't play ping pong with your head. Chase people its fun,e use red and blue flashers and pull over drunks... trust me big fun!

When stuck in the mud don't forget that you can ask the gorillas to help you, they live in the woods and come out when it rains and thats what causes the wind. Don't worry its wet aned I know it because I went to mcd's and told them to eat their own food, paid and left and thats why my women left for the weekend. Noises are neat I make them when i'm bored squiggly doo doo dangle dooles don't mean I can't fall down and act like a fool. I think there was cow crap in that mud but it was sure slick. Think like a dog hind quarters all messed up and can't lay down that's gotta suck. But when your a tank you have to move on each little peice of chain cause you have no wheels. I think thats how my printer broke but that may be because my roomate pissed on it.. Oh well life goes sideways and then you eat waffles and its all better.

Time to go...:rasta:

I started to read this, then I felt my brain melting so I knew it was time to stop.
That's really good if its automated. If it's not you should start a blog with that.
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