When does hydra pay?? Pls help:(

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New member
Nov 12, 2008
hi, i am actually new to hydra network, hydra promised to pay every affiliate by 15 of the month, its 17 now and i still didnt get paid

any idea? this is my first payment($72), do new affiliates get late payment after verification or something?

theres prolly a $100 min... also if 15th = non-business day then they will pay you next biz day... and its usually at the very end of the day
ohhh, but its FAQ says a minimum of 50$ but :(, my fate..Thanx guys for your kind help

Call them (don't email) and tell them you expect them to honor the threshold stated on their site, worste thing that could happen is they say no.
ahh, bad luck. i just got an email back proving my noobiness :p here it goes

No payments have been processed on your account as we have not received your W8 form yet. Per our T&C’s we must have this form on file to ensure prompt network payments to you
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