When do you stop buying domains?


He is Planet
Jun 22, 2009
I've just stumbled on a ripe dictionary word that when added to generic words, fits almost all industries and all keywords, sounds great, is short, brandable and seems everyone has overlooked.

I've just bought up debtWORD.com creditWORD.com mortgageWORD.com and about 10 others, each time as quickly as I could when I found them, because I was in disbelief they'd never been reg'd.

I then dropped about 50 keywords into a bulk checker with the dictionary word after them and all but a couple were available.

I think I'm just getting carried away because I only wanted one, for a new project, and on discovering it's lack of use got excited and decided I want to buy shed loads of them.

I've never sold a domain in my life and most of these will either be sold or dropped, so at what point do you say, nah, I don't want kitchenWORD.com autoWORD.com lawWORD.com attorneyWORD.com randombollockWORD.com?

How many is too many?! I mean the way I look at this is, these are easily worth at least double the reg fee, minimum, so if I can be bothered to shift them, surely it's worth buying up as many as I can, no?

After thinking about it for a while, I've now gone and bought up about 40. I'm either going to be pleased with myself tomorrow, or rather annoyed because I'm a domain amateur and shouldn't be spending $400 on domains I'll never use! :D
Its so addicting, I cant explain it. Sometimes I get "domain remorse" ;)

Im up to 170 now but there are two other guys I talked to that have 650 and 400 so I felt better.

The guy that has 400 says he does really well just getting some basic content up on the site, and adding a thing or two here and there.....virtual real estate.

I am woefully behind in developing my sites but am learning quickly, its not that hard once you get rolling.
There was one point in time where i bought about 150 domains over the period of 2 months for no reason at all I swear it is addicting sometimes lol, most were dropped now after the year i kept very few after that. Now that im a little bit smarter about it I buy domains more carefully and learned all about choosing domains with the right keywords.
i only buy domains if i am actually going to put it to good use.

I normally buy them if they have good keywords, brandable, aged, and all the other seo aspects.

I will create blogs for them and try to ranking, once ranking, ill monetize them.

If they bring in over 100 dollars a month, I go ahead and renew them for 10 years.

I do this for all my domains, those that did not give me any benefits ill drop them after a year

But then I tend to keep them to grow my seo network
is WORD an adjective? If so I think you have it backwords as most phrases in English are adjective noun for most natural sounding phrase.

Depends on if you are going to try to sell some or just EMD for traffic or something.

I would check them all for traffic in Google External Keyword tool on exact like you are ordering them.
Domains addiction is crazy some times

I bought a domain and i had a 5k offer for it a few years ago

Then last year i tried to sell it and i only got a 1/10th offer
i buy domains when i know i have the time to create quality and useful websites on them, else its really useless just to buy and hold the domains with parked go daddy ;)
A girl can never have too many shoes or too many domains.
Yeah, I know - I need an intervention. :)

Getting addicted to registering domain names, well, it's pretty new to me. I have a few domains, most of which are associated to live websites/blogs.