When do you determine that a campaign is crap?

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New member
Apr 28, 2008
I'm just wondering, numbers-wise, when you decide.

I have one campaign which has a high CTR from my landing page to the actual offer (around 70%) but it hasn't converted into a single lead. It does require a credit card for the free trial, it's not in a niche like dating or ringtones or the other ones seen as being "shifty" and I warn people about needing a cc on the landing page.

So now my question becomes: when do you give up on it? If the offer pays $10, do you give up after $10? After $20? After $50? I'd appreciate any advice!

I'd give up after double the payout. then again that's just me :)
agree with beejebeers. traffic + 70% ctr is hard to find. try to find an offer that fits better
Find about 5 similar offers and rotate them. Keep best one, dump the rest. Getting the traffic is the hardest part, getting a high ctr is even harder.

I have to agree with this. Getting the traffic is hard. After you have it just match it to an offer that converts and your golden. Just because you start with one offer doesnt mean you have to stick with it. Try out different things.
Thanks everyone, I'll try to find a similar offer to promote... unfortunately it's a small niche, so it'll probably be tough, but hey, no one ever said making money with ppc was easy!
make sure you're telling the user everything they have to know... maybe they are getting to your page and saying "oh wow this is definitely not want I wanted.", "I didn't know I have to use a credit card!!", etc.

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