When Did Ugly Tits And No Shape Become Sexy?


New member
Feb 7, 2012
Completely overrated, or am I missing something? She just looks so fucking beyond ordinary to me, yet guys still post her like she is sexy. No shape to her ass, hips, waist, shit legs and ugly tits that look like they should be on a milking machine.

Am I the only one that thinks she is overrated and wonders why she is considered hot or sexy?


Nope, couldn't agree more (aside from the tit comments). I know this'll follow with loads of "elbows to pointy" comments, but apart from some proper tits (I hate plastic) she's got almost no sex appeal and isn't very pretty.

As I'm a neckbeard though, I'd still stick it in her.

Nope couldn't agree more (aside from the tit comments). I know this'll follow with loads of "elbows to pointy" comments, but aside from some proper tits (I hate plastic) she's got almost no sex appeal and isn't very pretty.

As I'm a neckbeard though, I'd still stick it in her.


I can budge on the tits, I was being a little too critical there, but still... what in the actual fuck made everyone decide she is sexy?
We've been over this. She's just nasty, and not in a good way. Let's not kid ourselves, those tits are fucking gross.

Na, I like the tits. Much better than looking at a load of strange shaped plastic with badly positioned nipples - as they often are.

Looking at that, I'm guessing it's because she put on a bit of weight.

Saying that, I bet she does fuck all exercise, eats fuck all and so she's essentially just a bag of pudding and bone with muscle at a minimum. "Skinny-fat," I believe is the term.
she's hot. if you don't bang her, you definitely belong in the gay/fat neckbeard who overcritiques because no woman ever webmaster forum.

unless you don't like blondes. thats cool, some people don't like blondes.
she's hot. if you don't bang her, you definitely belong in the gay/fat neckbeard who overcritiques because no woman ever webmaster forum.

unless you don't like blondes. thats cool, some people don't like blondes.

Some people just don't like ugly bitches.
No clue who we're even talking about but she has no hips/ass at all. Would still bang though she's obviously generally attractive.
This is how normal females look. Suddenly ass looks at finer ass all day and finds her revolting when being compared to 10/10s . all you other fuckers are just bluffing
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCUnWIs88CQ]Kate Upton- Cat Daddy - YouTube[/ame]

she has a really refreshing/playful vibe.
She is pretty and has nice tits.

Her ass and hips are very lacking tho and I am an ass and leg man through and through, so for me, a girl with no ass or hips is not very attractive.

Some guys are tit men though and for that, she is probably close to perfection.