When did Google start obstructing ads in search?


He is Planet
Jun 22, 2009
Never noticed this before, but then I don't do many local searches. Notice how the cunts have added the map to the right hand column, with the ads, yet the map, as you scroll down, stays fixed and covers ads...




<rant>There's always something changing with these fuckers. I wish Bing could grab some of the market share, but as of today Google still command 90%+ global. I thought this might change with Microsoft joining Facebook, but it just ain't happening. Had over 20 blogs on Blogger and a few weeks a go these bots started marking them as spam and deleting them without any chance of claiming them back. They were all on custom domains, but that didn't mean shit and fortunately after a week or so I have managed to rescue the deleted blogs on self-hosted Wordpress and I transferred all the others over. Point being that Blogger is controlled by Google who just don't give a fuck about any of us. The funny thing about one of the first deleted blogs was that I had been contacted by Adsense just the week before telling me to add images to the ad units to earn more dough. I still use Adsense, but could easily move on. If I get de-indexed that's another story. So we gotta support the Bing!</rant>
On the bright side, maybe its just me but I've seen ctr jump a little in spots 1-3 since this took effect
Things are constantly changing with Google. You've got to stay on top of the game in order to your product or service in front of visitors. I wonder just how much this will affect PPC marketers.
previews also block ads. I don't know why Google is trying to destroy its own advertising reach.

edit: oops BeerNuts beat me to it