When advertising meets surveillance

I remember a similar article posted a while ago about some electronic billboards in a British shopping mall profiling everyone that stopped in front of it.

It is a little concerning if it becomes part of an advertising profile that can be delivered to you... Because people will often look at an ad for more than the product. I like to look at well designed ads for prolonged periods. And by well designed, I mean models in bikinis. Now I've got a pretty cool missus, but I'd imagine a lot of other guys would get into a lot of trouble if it served up something similar.
Being serious for a moment though, a lot of the shit I look at is entirely different from what I purchase. I already know what I'm going to purchase because I keep abreast of my favourite authors, electronics companies, etc.
I can just imagine Google billboards all over the place.......

... maybe Bing billboards....
