What's your thoughts on this video?

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i lived in a moslem country for 18 years.. (don't ask me how) and managed to get my ass out of there for good! islam is a fucked-up religions.. those morons explode themselves because they're promised to get 72 beautiful virgins to fuck around in heaven. and the same people also believe that ALLAH (their stupid fucking god) is happy whenever non-moslems die. this is also the ONLY religion that spreads BY WAR. fuck them. fuck them all.

Fitna the movie

scared the hell out of me since I am "non believer" living in a Muslim country.. hmm...
i lived in a moslem country for 18 years.. (don't ask me how) and managed to get my ass out of there for good! islam is a fucked-up religions.. those morons explode themselves because they're promised to get 72 beautiful virgins to fuck around in heaven. and the same people also believe that ALLAH (their stupid fucking god) is happy whenever non-moslems die. this is also the ONLY religion that spreads BY WAR. fuck them. fuck them all.

Since nothing else in your post is true, I have to assume you also never lived in a -mulsim- (18 years and you can't spell it? or are you just trying to be a dick?).

Only one that spreads by war? What are you smoking?

You're an idiot.
fuck you dickhead. where did i spell it wrongly.. google the word "moslem" or "muslim" or whatever shit you want, smart ass.

yeah read the fucking history, lazy prick.

Since nothing else in your post is true, I have to assume you also never lived in a -mulsim- (18 years and you can't spell it? or are you just trying to be a dick?).

Only one that spreads by war? What are you smoking?

You're an idiot.
Since I'm not muslim that really stings. I'm simply not an idiot, but I can see how that might be confusing for someone like yourself.
.... those morons explode themselves because they're promised to get 72 beautiful virgins to fuck around in heaven....

I visited the holy land in 2000 and heard about these 72 virgins. From what I understand the concept of 72 virgins in Islam refers to an aspect of paradise.

I guess making being a martyr bombing you and innocent others gets you to paradise while the rest of the followers take good care of your family?
Leave it to muslims... What a backwards fucked up religion/culture. The way they embrace violence and death is rather in-humane and barbaric.

It's kind of funny seeing all these bafoons on video blabbering on about Muhammad, allah [insert prophetic character here] and pushing whatever fake propaganda their 'prophets' feel like creating. I almost of feel bad for them.

Not just singling out Islam here. I'm about fed up with all organized religion - Judasim, Christianity, etc... They're all fucked up. But you don't see jews dragging bodies in the street making fools out of themselves... You don't see Christians decapitating people in the name of Jesus.

Islam IS scary but fortunately for the rest of the world will crumble internally before it poses any real threat to the rest of the world.
I can't believe the ignorance here. To say that all Muslims share the views of the extremist few is like saying all Christian's are like the "God hates fags" group that picket soldiers funerals.

Aim, I agree about being fed up with organised religion, but if you look through History, or even now at the Israeli & American leadership - Jews and Christians have killed a lot more Muslims than vice versa. Of course they are a lot more civilised in the way they kill, but if say Hamas or Al Quaida had laser-guided bombs and the rest of America's military arsenal do you really think they would choose to strap bombs to their kids rather than just press a button.
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